Last sunday I went up to Stockholm and drove my Indy for the first time. I took it on a trailer because I havenīt got it approved yet by the swedish
I must say it was a wonderful feeling to drive fast and dive in to corners
You can see pics from the small meeting at this webpages
The Indy looks as good as anything else there, and better than some. Nice one Jonte.
Nice one mate. Thought you would be in the snow by now!
We will have to visit when we get the car on the road on the way to Visby.
Originally posted by Peteff
The Indy looks as good as anything else there, and better than some.
Originally posted by mangogrooveworkshop
Nice one mate. Thought you would be in the snow by now!
We will have to visit when we get the car on the road on the way to Visby.
which one is yours Jonte?
Originally posted by Chris Green
which one is yours Jonte?
She looks very, very well.
Excellent job Jonte. One word of caution, after the Swedish SVA I'd seriously consider changing the SVA compliant rubber bonnet catches for more
sturdy stainless steel ones.
All the best
nice one great is'nt it
I was there aswell, and I can tell you guys that Jontes car was one of the nicest.
I even manage to get my self on a picture so, Spot the loony !
Tip: green John Deere T-shirt
Is it like the U.K. sva Jonte. I would check your front indicator positions as they look a bit short stemmed to qualify for the 400mm rule.
Nope, same as always
[Edited on 4/10/04 by Micael]