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which alternator?
john_p_b - 3/10/04 at 03:36 PM

finaly gave up trying to make my standard sierra alternator fit today and it seems a bit pointless having such a huge alternator to just run a few lights!

so which one's best to go for? model/year of vehicle would be good or a part number would be excellent! or even all of the above!!

getting the buzz to be getting on with things again now i know i'll be back at work off the sick in a week or so and thus have some much needed money back to spend!


James - 3/10/04 at 04:08 PM

Been asked (and answered) loads before.

IMHO Bedford Rascal (or the Japanese equivalent) are good. Really small and have a Pinto profile 'V' belt. Loads about (3 in my fav' scrappy) and cheap- £20 ish.

There are a couple of models of alt' so look for the alloy casing one.

If you have the bracket from the Rascal too then you can easily cut off the U shape bit that it bolts to and weld this to a new plate that fits your Pinto engine mounts. 30 min job!

Hope that helps,


john_p_b - 3/10/04 at 04:20 PM

sorry i figured it had been asked plenty before but i lose the will to live after searching things for a few minutes!

scrap yard here i come


mad-butcher - 4/10/04 at 05:52 PM

dihatsu charade or suzuki vitara wee easy to wire up but needs a 12v feed to exite the alternator see siert's website for details

indykid - 11/10/04 at 08:15 PM

so has anyone used a rascal alternator and managed to find a feed for an electric choke? I've got a rascal alt which charges the battery, but i can't seem to get anything from the other terminals. on the sierra there was a post with a nut which fed it but the rascal one aint got that. what can i use? Rescued attachment 2004_0627Image0023.JPG
Rescued attachment 2004_0627Image0023.JPG

john_p_b - 12/10/04 at 09:40 AM

can't you just run a feed from ignition so as soon as u start up it gets a feed?

theconrodkid - 12/10/04 at 02:55 PM

auto choke feed on them is about 3 or 4 volts i think

Jonte - 12/10/04 at 08:55 PM

I used the alternator from an Daihatsu Charade. Rescued attachment generator.jpg
Rescued attachment generator.jpg