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Fiberglass side panels
Blade - 3/10/02 at 06:56 PM

Whats the best way of attaching these?? Surely mastic alone is'nt enough?

Also to keep weight down we dont want to panel the inner sides so we just have the outer fiberglass. Is this OK for SVA?

bob - 3/10/02 at 07:15 PM

I used a mastic sealant along the top rail and mastic and rivets on the underside.
Paneling the inside or not is up to you,thin board covered in vinyl wont weigh much at all and would look smarter than bare IMO.

speedthing - 3/10/02 at 07:46 PM

i used seam sealer along the top and bottom
rails and all the side surfaces clamped them
on with 5 or so clamps left them over night
and now you cant shift them with a crowbar

Blade - 3/10/02 at 08:19 PM

Cheers guys.

Any ideas for suitable "board" Bob?

locodude - 3/10/02 at 08:22 PM

Do you want to tell him or shall I

Blade - 3/10/02 at 08:33 PM

Please don't say cardboard cos I work in a chuffin cardboard factory.

Seriously tho would'nt this be wreked in a few weeks. Not to mention if it ever gets wet?

interestedparty - 3/10/02 at 08:41 PM

Plywood, birch ply is the best type to get


bob - 3/10/02 at 08:57 PM

I'm using ali in most places but i'd of thought any light ply thats been PVA sealed would be ok

interestedparty - 3/10/02 at 09:18 PM

Main reason for suggesting birch ply is that usually the laminations are thinner and it cuts much better, without the rough edges that you get on the cheaper plys. It will still need sealing, especially the edges


donut - 4/10/02 at 06:18 AM

What about marine ply? It won't matter too much if it get's wet then!

But what do i know???!?!!!??!


bob - 4/10/02 at 07:36 AM

Johns right,birch ply is tighter so will cut well.

Danny,if you work in a cardboard factory could'nt you cut thin ply to size on the gilly.(when nobody is looking of course)

I managed to cut some thin board on our paper guillotine,came out perfect.

wicket - 4/10/02 at 12:50 PM

The corrugated plastic sheet as used for estate agents board also a possibilty, no sealing and lightweight.

locodude - 4/10/02 at 05:47 PM

If I have to do it myself then I will.
What about the trim sets that PTM sells ready cut from black embossed polypropelene. Just trim them to go over the chassis rails and robert's yer father's brother. There, that didn't hurt now did it. If you want to see what they're like look on my website for pics in the build story and mods section.
Chris PTM

ludsonline - 6/10/02 at 01:18 PM

Where can I get the fibreglass panels from?

locodude - 6/10/02 at 02:51 PM

If it's an MK Indy then from MK Engineering. If it's a Locost then any fibreglass workshop would be able to knock up some flat sheet.

DEAN C. - 6/10/02 at 06:22 PM

Sound like you have a vested interest Locodude!
Seriously they are neat,waterproof,easy to clean and easy to fit.And even better, that dodgy PTM man cuts them for you!
How much discount do I get now Chris??
Dean.......Probably the same as last time,bugger all!

locodude - 6/10/02 at 08:20 PM

All complaints re: pricing policy must now be forwarded to where they will end up. In the f**king bin! If you don't like the goods or have a legitimate complaint, tough shit, I've got your money and spent it on beer!

bob - 6/10/02 at 09:04 PM

Obviously a northern way of getting repeat bussines

johnston - 6/10/02 at 09:18 PM

we got gd ones made up for a few rally cars carbon look but cheap

there done with a thin layer of carbon fiber but fibre glass in behind keepin them cheap lookin real gd and light

DEAN C. - 7/10/02 at 07:03 PM

Do you want your dummy back?

locodude - 7/10/02 at 07:35 PM

No thanx, mummy's bought me a new one!