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Mk Indy Roll Cage
Harrodbear86 - 23/3/15 at 04:54 PM

Hi All,

I have recently purchased an Mk Indy, it currently has a pretty pathetic roll bar at the back due to having the full wet weather kit, but I'm looking to do quite a few track days this year and wondered which is the best roll cage to go for.

I assume that if I go for a full cage then the wet weather kit will be redundant.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again.


jossey - 23/3/15 at 05:59 PM

Call MK

You could get the cage built to go over the body so wouldnt effect the cage but not sure how it would look.

get a removable cage with the cage being bolted to a new bar so it can be removed to put the wet gear on?

kj - 23/3/15 at 07:36 PM


austin man - 23/3/15 at 08:01 PM

Have you got a current picture of the car, MK should be able to retrofit the full cage onto your car using the existing rear hoop give Danny a call