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position of front flexis
mad-butcher - 1/12/04 at 02:18 PM

any body be kind enough to post the dimensions for the mounting of the front flexis i'm using standard MK flexis
many thanks

geoffe - 1/12/04 at 06:04 PM

This is how we ran ours. Photo shows the braket in position held with a clamp. Brackets are steel strip rivetted to the chassis. Hope this helps.


geoffe - 1/12/04 at 06:05 PM

Damn!! no photo

ReMan - 1/12/04 at 07:31 PM

""front brake pipes on indy

mounting these have been driving me crazy.. trying to make sure they clear everthing so i emailed MK and here are the measurements .
around 200mm down from top rail and around 75-80mm in from rear of top wishbone mounting leg (sort of inline with bolt for bottom wishbone when looking from above........ should have done that months ago instead of titting around. hope it saves some-one else the hassle i've had. ""

I used this advice copied from a posting somewhere, It could help if you can decipher it!
also used pictures of the various postings on the forum help

[Edited on 1/12/04 by ReMan]

bob - 1/12/04 at 08:01 PM

I found this hard too,it turned out ok in the end and doesnt rub anywhere.
I bet everyone has them in a different possition though. Rescued attachment MK Indy build pics 075.jpg
Rescued attachment MK Indy build pics 075.jpg

bob - 1/12/04 at 08:03 PM

and from the inside Rescued attachment MK Indy build pics 073.jpg
Rescued attachment MK Indy build pics 073.jpg

CairB - 2/12/04 at 12:17 AM

By eck Bob that looks clean.
Taken a while ago I reckon.

BTW you win your bet - I attached mine to the side of the equivilent of Rons "FUx" members.

