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GTR - is there anyone here actually building one?
mdc124 - 16/1/05 at 07:46 PM

I'm thinking of building my second MK - a GTR this time (unless he comes up with something else before i get my arse in gear)

Are there any others here building at the moment??

My thoughts are bike powered - minimalistic build - road legal - what do you recon this would cost to achieve? £6/7K or significantly more?

donut - 16/1/05 at 09:06 PM

The suggested build costs for an Audi engined car was about £6k so add the difference between car and bike powered indy's and you should have an idea. I would say a nice simple BEC build inc sva would run to about £8k maybe a bit less.

Hellfire - 17/1/05 at 09:52 AM

Originally posted by snoopy
having built a road legal gt1 i can assure you this kit without putting you off is complecated as apposed to an indy i.e its not that easy

I thought the MK-GTR was easier than the GT1?

James - 17/1/05 at 12:27 PM

Snoop's just worried about losing him to the competition!
