Yet another Indy lives!
Yesterday I got to the point where the only thing I needed to get the car started was fuel. Filled the tank, pressed the starter and soon after she
coughed and spluttered; cleared her throat then roared into life!
Hoping to drive to Newark in the Indy so better get my skates on
Well done, excellent feeling!!
See you at Newark hopefully!!
Days away from First Start As well
Its a fantastic feeling knowing it works! Before I tried it I there was always that thought in my mind that if it doesn't work then I could be
in for a lot of hair pulling. The end suddenly seems very near.
I'm now desperate to drive the thing so its a good job there is no steering wheel fitted or brake fluid! I suppose I'll have to brush the
cobwebs off the Bandit to get the adrenaline pumping.
he probably needs them welding to a bar at the rear to keep the front end down because we all know what hes like