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Creeking car!!!!!!!
sonic - 25/5/05 at 09:36 PM

Do all Indy's creek???

My car is a new built car and when driving slow or pushing it in and out of the garage it makes creeking noises like panals flexing and suspension creeking

Is this normal and i am to used to modern tin top motoring


mookaloid - 25/5/05 at 09:39 PM

mine doesn't creak - I glued all my panels on


scoobyis2cool - 25/5/05 at 09:46 PM

Mine creaks too, I'm gonna take the suspension apart and re-grease it to hopefully cure the problem. Don't think it's anything to worry about though.


tri - 25/5/05 at 09:48 PM

my suspension creaks well i think it is the suspension


theconrodkid - 25/5/05 at 09:50 PM

suspension bushes will creak a bit till they bed in,should have greased them first.btw tighten them up after the first couple hundred miles as they loosen off

Northy - 25/5/05 at 09:52 PM

Is it poly bushed? If fitted dry they do creek

sonic - 25/5/05 at 09:55 PM

Yes it is polybushed
Sounds like a strip down and grease then
cars done about 300 miles so is probably due for a tweak hear and there


Peteff - 25/5/05 at 10:04 PM

I creak when I'm getting in and out of the car . I reckon I must be getting ready for a tweak as well.

bob - 25/5/05 at 10:14 PM

I used red rubber grease on all the polybushes,seems fine

Hellfire - 25/5/05 at 11:22 PM

Our first one creaked - but not for long!

Seriously - grease the poly's - all will be well...

David Jenkins - 26/5/05 at 07:17 AM

Originally posted by Peteff
I creak when I'm getting in and out of the car . I reckon I must be getting ready for a tweak as well.

I find that a quick rub down with an oily rag helps...


Danozeman - 26/5/05 at 07:30 AM

I creak getting in and out of my normal car and im only 23.....

On a serious note. What grease to grease the bushes with im fitting mine this weekend. Just normal grease or special??..

DarrenW - 26/5/05 at 08:24 AM

You can get proper rubber grease - as Bob says its red.
My old Golf creaked like mad even with grease etc. Cause was cheap lower quality bushes. The only way to stop it was to loosen some of the bolts and fit second lock nut. Im not saying this is an approved method and you should do it but desperation and impending insanity left me with no choice.

I have to say i have heard more MK's creak than other kits - maybe its a particular feature of that model. Its like an early warning system when on country roads to warn birds etc that you are coming from 2 miles away! Are the bushes MK supply specially compounded suspension bushes or just general grade poly's. There is a difference.

donut - 26/5/05 at 08:26 AM

Use rubber grease, it's great 'n' tastey!

scoobyis2cool - 26/5/05 at 09:09 AM

How tight should the suspension bolts be done up? I did mine really tight, then backed them off a little, not very scientific...


Peteff - 26/5/05 at 09:38 AM

You shouldn't need to back them off as the bolt squeezes the bracket to grip the pinch tube for the bush to pivot on it.

Alez - 26/5/05 at 10:52 AM

My current fibreglass Locost creaks quite a lot, specially when the weigh is not evenly distributed on all 4 wheels (for instance when I approach the ramp of my garage with car not facing it but a bit sideways, which I do because I'm afraid of hitting the sump, bit silly but still I do it). My previous Locost, which had lots of steel panels, didn't creak at all.



sonic - 26/5/05 at 11:45 AM

They are purple ones which came from MK

Its time to hit the grease tub then!!!!!!
How easy is it to get the bushes back out of the mounts without damaging them?


timf - 26/5/05 at 11:46 AM

its the crush tube to pu that needs grasing not the pu to wishbone

sonic - 26/5/05 at 11:57 AM

Thanks for that and your right!!

I am having brain fade hear!!!!!!!!


scoobyis2cool - 26/5/05 at 01:24 PM

is it worth greasing the ends of the bushes to stop them rubbing on the wishbone mounts?


Danozeman - 26/5/05 at 09:43 PM

i have some rubber grease at work ill have to acquire it. Havent used it for ages but from what i remember it smells nice..

ASH3 - 28/5/05 at 07:00 PM

The cure is so easy ..
at each bush end a quick skirt of WD40 -works every time!

Alez - 3/6/05 at 08:57 AM

Originally posted by ASH3
The cure is so easy ..
at each bush end a quick skirt of WD40 -works every time!

Careful! Don't know about this kind of oil, but rubber is damaged by certain substances. For instance I have a rubber mount in my propshaft which has been damaged by the grease that was applied to it, and it will need replacing. I would use a rubber specific product when possible.



DarrenW - 3/6/05 at 10:24 AM

Alez - WD40 is a light penetrating oil normally found in aerosol cans. You will have an equivalant in Spain. it is also a good moisture repellant. AFAIK its relatively safe on most car areas. Ive tried this on a Mk1 Golf with squeeky poly bushes - it worked for about 2 days then was dissipated and creek noise returned.

Plays havoc with your lungs if you snort it or burn it tho!! lol

Danozeman - 3/6/05 at 05:33 PM

LOL smells nice when u burn it though

wd40 does make some rubbers go soft on the surface. Will be ok with poly though i would think..

Alez - 7/6/05 at 08:11 AM

Yes Darren, sorry for making you explain it, you can buy WD40 here as well and that's what I use (and what I used in the UK ), I meant that I don't know if that kind of oil could damage petrol derived materials. Sorry!



mkblade - 8/6/05 at 11:00 PM

my front end creeked like mad i put them in dry .
if ur using poly bushes theres a special white grease for bushes stipped the front end covered the bushes in it .fine now