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fiat brake bias valve
siert - 15/12/02 at 03:30 PM

Can anyone tell me the details about the fiat brake bias valve?
does it need modification? Is it a straight fit? what does it cost ?how well does it work and is it easy to adjust?


theconrodkid - 15/12/02 at 04:48 PM

the valve can be found on the fiat uno,just needs a mounting bracket and adjusting bolt,you will work it out when you see it if not ill send a scribble,cost me £20 here

siert - 15/12/02 at 08:02 PM

Conrodkid....which model ?which year?
or are they all the same??
can you post a picture of it?

thanks ,


theconrodkid - 15/12/02 at 08:58 PM

the valves are all the same,mail me your addy and ill send a pic to you

Rorty - 16/12/02 at 05:31 AM

Conrodkid: not wanting to steal your thunder, but here's an alternative:
I use the good old Mini bias valve, simply because they're as common, Minis!
I posted a drawing of how to modify one, in the Photos section (under Rorty). If you don't follow how it works, and you need instructions, I can either post or email a .doc too.

theconrodkid - 16/12/02 at 06:12 PM

rorty the reason i used a fiat one was they were £7 when i got mine and dont need modifying to make adjustable,dont know how much a mini one is you can just use it straight out of the box

Rorty - 17/12/02 at 12:02 AM

Conrodkid: My mother had a Uno when they first came out (1980 IIRC), but that was back in Ireland. There aren't any Unos out here in Oz, so I haven't seen one of their bias valves.
I thought by your post on the 16/12/02, when you mentioned the Fiat bias valve needed an adjusting bolt, you were talking about the same modification I make to the Mini valve (screw a bolt/threaded knob into the end of it).
I usually get the mini ones for free off scrap Minis. They're just held onto the rear sub frame by a single small bolt.
Do you have a pic of the Uno one, and do you know if they're fitted to any other Fiats?

bob - 17/12/02 at 12:12 AM


As soon as i can get a digi cam i'll bung more pics on the archive including the FIAT valve in situ.

[Edited on 17/12/02 by bob]

theconrodkid - 17/12/02 at 05:47 PM

Rorty,for some strange reason we dont see many mini.s here in blighty,i work on a lot of fiats though,thats where i got the idea.
the fiat part no is 791456 i havnt seen a similar set up on other fiats only the uno.
it looks like your modified valve but is alloy and without the need to drill holes.send me your addy and ill send a pic to you.John.

Rorty - 18/12/02 at 01:22 AM

Conrodkid: Can you post it in the Photos section here, or email it to me? My email addy is in my profile. Cheers.

bob - 24/12/02 at 07:46 PM

Just posted some more pics in the archive,including FIAT bias valve in situ.