had a tip off about this one go to www.sportspowerdrive.com click on replica 7 go to bottom picture the yellow car click on bottom right picture and
low and behold another person who puts indy wishbones on upside down. I'll have to have a word with martin and find out if this guy is buying his
chassis's off martin or they are just good copies
seasons greetings to one and all
They definately buy their kits from Martin as they were up there collecting 2 when I turned up to collect mine.
These are also the guys Bob and I were looking at on the stand next to MK at Donnington. They had the wishbones on upside down at the show, reckoned
it made the car handle better.
[Edited on 24/12/2002 by paulbeyer]
Originally posted by paulbeyer
They had the wishbones on upside down at the show, reckoned it made the car handle better.
well I went round to sportspowerdrive a few weeks ago to buy a diff, and the chassis are made there, I saw'em jigged up and part built.
He uses quite a few Westfield parts, such as the loom and exhausts (BECs). Tho I did think that his car's looked decidely like MK Indys.
Originally posted by DavidC
well I went round to sportspowerdrive a few weeks ago to buy a diff, and the chassis are made there, I saw'em jigged up and part built.
He uses quite a few Westfield parts, such as the loom and exhausts (BECs). Tho I did think that his car's looked decidely like MK Indys.
Martin does'nt supply them anymore and if you think it's a bit cheeky making a car that looks like an Indy then look at their ad in the latest Which Kit. They claim it's the new SPD7 when it's actually the same car that was at Donnington. Cheeky gets eh?
Just had a look.
I see they have"Wilwood hydrolic clutch"
WTF is hydrolic?
You expect typos and spelling errors on forums, e-mail, chat rooms etc....but on a company website?....hmmmmm?
Am I too picky?
It seems that they are using Westy aeroscreens, and Westfield rear lights fitted upside down (wonder if this makes them handle better??)
I hope they're not westfield lights, purely cos he told me that he got them straight from a supplier, and sell the complete lighting- set for around
Westy charge £250 for their equivalent, so he'd be making a silly loss if they were Westy's.
The aero screens aren't westy either, similar, but up close they're definitely not Westy, too narrow.
He also claimed to make the bodywork himself with his own moulds, and to his credit there was an ~80% complete buck for a Ferrari 250 bodyshell there
in the workshop, and lovely it looked too.
Interior layout has all the controls at your fingertips using the ford storks as standard or dash switches.
DavidC, the car that was at Donno almost definately had the Westfield round lense lights in, with the outer cases mounted the wrong way round
in an attempt to make them fit properly.....
But I stand corrected on the areoscreen though, although that looked suspiciously similar too....
have a look at the spd 200 hmm like the chassis
Re SPD - I can confirm these 7's are direct copys of MK's and they have done none of their claimed R&D work (other than measuring Mart's chassis!) and the body work is made by an old supplier of Martins using the same moulds (probably that Mart paid for)
Looks like the stafford show will be a tad interesting then,if both parties are there.
You can say that again Bob! Also SPD have infringed (by that I mean completely ripped off) a number of other peoples copywrites and patents........... Watch this space!!
The only point to watch here is that Mr SPD's mother is a solicitor and I would assume he has taken a little legal advice, free of charge I assume. So
it would just be a matter of one lawyer against another and no winners!
A word of warning chaps, be VERY carefull what you say as anything that you might say can easily be called defamation (spelt right?) of character and can lead to a libel case being brought against you.
Best defence against libel is for what you say to be true. And it doesn't have to be proven to be true, it just has to be on the balance of
probabilities. If the spd chassis is the same as the MK Indy, then anyone who says they copied it is pretty safe from losing a case of libel
aren't all the "book" chassis just copied from one original?
Originally posted by Viper
aren't all the "book" chassis just copied from one original?
what was all that legal type crap that went on between westfield and caterham? or was that just about a name??
there was a load of stuff between the big two some years back,but they are still buiding and selling 7 type motors.
Lots of cars look the same in this game but the prices are very very different,i doubt very much if the car i've got will be outsold by any other this
or even next year.
[Edited on 29/12/02 by bob]
Seems that there are quite a few things that SPD can't do right... spelling, grammar, web design, orientation of car components, the list goes on.
"Each vehicle is hand built using a chassis design due to the result of years of experience"
Hmmm, let's have a look at that phrase. The way he's put it, it sounds as if were it not for the years of experience (it doesn't say who's experience
I note) then they wouldn't use a chassis design at all!!
Granted, I'll be first to admit that my spelling and grammar are not perfect, but then I'm not trying to sell anything.
Originally posted by kingr
Seems that there are quite a few things that SPD can't do right... spelling, grammar, web design, orientation of car components, the list goes on.
We all support Mk + since when have fact's had anything to do with a good story!
With respect, I don't feel it's my place to teach people who are potentially trying to sell me things the correct usage of the English language, which
is clearly documented. Things such as the wishbones are rather less easy to find out about, so I do think it would be helpful to tell them, but
they've already been told and gave a "we know better" response.
While the seven has been copied by many many people who have taken a substantial proportion of the credit for the design (certainly of the chassis, if
not the whole thing), it does seem rather rude to simply copy someone else's design absolutely wholesale and then, although not explicitly, suggest
that it was yours. I would strongly suspect that it is 100% legal in this case to do this however.
When you are making a living out of something, you should be professional, not only in the production of your product, but also in how you present you
product and company, how you deal with customers/suppliers/employees and also how you deal with competitors. If you are unable to do this, then you
should pay someone else to do it. Failing in one area puts doubt on the others - If he's willing to "make do" with publicity, how do I know he's not
willing to do the same with his welding? I would be shocked if I was expect to have to help him with his welding, and I why should it be any different
with his publicity?
P.S. before you go through what I have posted looking for errors, which doubtless exist, I'll point out to you that I'm not trying to sell anything.