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Micra Rad fixings
donut - 28/1/03 at 07:45 AM

How have people with micra rads fixed theirs to the chassis? Have you had to make the brackets or are there suitable brackets out there. The rad i have is from a late model.



skippad - 28/1/03 at 11:51 PM

With the micra rad being quite light, 1 inch flat bar bent to shape and fixed to plastic lugs on rad is ok, then riv nuts to frame. I tried to fit some other larger rads (Renault megane, ford ka both nice light rads but just slightly too big. The only one does the job is micra.

Northy - 29/1/03 at 06:42 PM

Which model Micra? Does it matter?


Jasper - 31/1/03 at 05:51 PM

Any one should be fine - ask Bob he can 'find' you one!!!!