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Rear lights fitted
donut - 22/11/05 at 06:55 PM

I know many of you won't give a monkeys but i'm rather pleased with my new rear lights that i fitted today. Sorry about the photo, i'll try and get a better one tomorrow.


serendipity123 - 22/11/05 at 06:58 PM

love the red and black, looks really smart

donut - 22/11/05 at 06:59 PM

ooh ta!

BKLOCO - 22/11/05 at 07:06 PM

What reflectors are they and where did you get them? SVC?

donut - 22/11/05 at 07:22 PM

The reflectors are from my local motor factors. Cheap as chips jobbies!

BKLOCO - 22/11/05 at 08:00 PM

Are they less than 5mm thick?
Been looking at loads and they all seem to be thicker than that and have less than a the minimum radius.

donut - 22/11/05 at 08:01 PM

oooh radius..hmmm i'l have to check that!! May have to file them down!!

mkblade - 22/11/05 at 10:22 PM

hi donut
were your lights from svc i was speaking to them today about changing mine.
im not sure if i like my rear lights now they are led. Rescued attachment rear light.jpg
Rescued attachment rear light.jpg

Peteff - 23/11/05 at 12:01 AM

White covers don't look right on the rear of a car no matter what trendsetters say. Red lights, orange indicators, nuff said.

donut - 23/11/05 at 07:19 AM

My lights were from MAC#1. They are called lotus Eleise clear lenses i fink.

White lenses look poop sorry.

TimC - 23/11/05 at 07:28 AM

Considering that you didn't choose the colour (if I remember right?) the colour scheme is spot on!

Looks superb!

mkblade - 23/11/05 at 02:40 PM

hi andy
would you be able to tell me how much the lights stick through the arch,need to make sure they will not hit the tyre

donut - 23/11/05 at 03:26 PM

TimC Thankyou squire, you have good taste!!

mkblade They stick out (on the inside of arch) 52mm. I have not tried to fit my wheel but it looks fine for clearance. Your rear wing may be fitted different to mine also but these lights have been on many cars so should be fine.

mike smith1 - 23/11/05 at 03:28 PM

Looking Good Andy!

Lights look amazing, was thinking of that style my self with the carbon surround.

Cheers Mike