Fired up the Indy this afternoon for the first time, Usual carbs overflowing but sorted in a few mins. Then instant start. A bit reluctant to rev but
a bit of fettling will sort that.
Swimbo came home then and winged about the smell, "Little darlings arnt they"
Welldone mate. Great feeling i bet.
Usual carbs overflowing but sorted in a few mins.
The carbs have not been used for a while and when that is the case the float needles dont want to seat very well and no matter how carefull
you are cleaning them out there is always a bit of poo somewhere. After a bit of fuel has washed over them they "usually" settle down, If
you have a frequent problem then maybe the needles and seats are worn or you are getting dirt in them, have you got a decent filter in the line?