Got my MK membership today,
Thanks Andy.
Do I get free beer in the Hospitality tent at Stoneliegh?
I can officially call myself an "Anker" now Apparently.
And there was me thinking you had to 'earn' the accolade 'anker'.....
Off back to the self build areas where I belong...
I've been waiting for a free beer for ages, unfortunatly andy is T-total and you are more likely to receive a donut
As Homer would say Mmmmmmmmm Donuts.
Steady on now chaps, as you know i don't have a job so all i can stretch to is a polo each! ok? I'll bring some to the show
Now as my car is an MK
Will I be accepted into the owners club
Because If I start my own owners club I have a funny feeling I'm not going to get many members
What do you think Guys go on let me
Hi Billy no mates
yes of course you are welcome, as we say, anyone with an MK product......and a tenner for joining!!