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Visiting MK....
James Hughes - 17/3/03 at 03:40 PM

I would like to get up to MK to take a good look at the GT1 and hopefully a test drive. Anyone know whether I should book in, phone up etc, or can I just turn up. Possible day is this coming Friday (21st March).


donut - 17/3/03 at 03:49 PM

Phone out of courtesy just so they know to expect you. It may also give them a chance to get a car ready for you.

Have fun


auzziejim - 17/3/03 at 04:03 PM

do MK still let people test drive their cars? i was told that they didnt but would love to try one!

Il hopefully (dependant on money, LOL) be going this weekend to place my deposit down


locodude - 17/3/03 at 09:32 PM

If you're coming on friday better make it am as me and Martin may be going to Elvington in the afternoon for a play with the GT1 and my very own Tangerine Dream! Saturday is usually best for visiting. B4 12 noon is Ideal.

James Hughes - 18/3/03 at 09:16 AM

Thanks for the comments people.

Chris - there was a comment re: no test drives earlier in the thread - is that the case now?

Friday may not be ideal now as wife and sprog seem to be going down with some sort of lurgy, but Saturday may be an option.


ps. Chris - one of these days I WILL order a tank...

locodude - 18/3/03 at 06:38 PM

If we have a test car then you're most welcome to drive it. we only have a GT1 at the moment (which is what you're after I believe) but when we have a demo car then that's what it's for.

James Hughes - 21/3/03 at 09:57 AM

Thanks Chris,

Was thinking that if I order a tank(s) for the Locost, I could collect it when I come up to see the GT1 - saves me the postage (trying to get in the £250 bracket...yeah, right)

What's the current delivery time on tanks?


locodude - 21/3/03 at 06:20 PM

Hi James
I do believe that I have a Locost tank on stock. I look forward to seeing you.