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Saving my bacon!!
MK9R - 19/3/03 at 12:54 PM

My webpage has a detailed breakdown of the costs of the build, but as both myself and my father have told our mrs's that it is only costing us a small percentage of what it is really costing us, i have decided to put a simple password on the costs page.

As i expect most of the people who visit my site to come on this forum, i thought it would be the best place to give out the password, and neither of the otherhalves know where this forum is (or has the computer literacy to find it, and hence the simple password script!).

Password = howmuch

Does anyone else have to go to these lengths to protect their private parts?

MK9R - 19/3/03 at 12:55 PM

Just to add, we have said we have spent approx £500 each so far, but the real cost is somewhere in the region of £1700 each!!! She would kill me if she knew that!!!

carnut - 19/3/03 at 01:48 PM

what is your website?? I seem to have found it on the MK webring but theres only a page of writing!

Id be most interested to see how much some of the parts cost to see how much its going to cost me!

MK9R - 19/3/03 at 01:53 PM

The web ring must be pointing to the wrong page. Will look into it

David Jenkins - 19/3/03 at 02:00 PM


Amazing how much it adds up... I'm afraid to do the calculations for mine...

Mind you, I keep telling the wife how much it would cost if I was a keen golfer!


MK9R - 19/3/03 at 02:02 PM

Scares the $hite out of me every time i look at it!

andyd - 19/3/03 at 04:06 PM


You've got nothing to worry about m8, just tell the wife that there are loads of people that have spend way more than you!

She'll comend you on you thrifty nature

Also just tell her that StuartA and I have so far spend £6600 on ours!

We still thinks it's a cheap price for such a fun and performant car (hopefully )

MK9R - 20/3/03 at 02:23 PM

My mother just emailed me (using someelses email address) requesting the password!!! I didn't realise for 30 seconds that it was from someone at same company as her and sent the password! thought it was suspect as the email address was a womans name so looked into it a bit more and saw the name of the company. I hastily deleted the page onthe server so she couldn't go to it!

Its going to be hard work to keep this a secret!!!!!

donut - 20/3/03 at 03:22 PM


They ALWAYS find out in the end!!

My wife has absolutely no interest in what i'm doing so i'm hoping she will not even ask. I'm still trying to think of an answer but have yet to come up with anything witty enough to stop her persuing the subject. All she knows was that i spent £450 on the chassis, she has not said anything about the rest of the bits!!!! Let's hope it stays that way!


MK9R - 20/3/03 at 03:41 PM

I have cunningly devised a smoke screen to through them off the scent!

I have given them a different password than everybody else which once entered opens up a "dummy" costs page which has very conservative (complete bull$hit) figures!

New password for the correct costs page = thatscheap

bob - 20/3/03 at 05:27 PM

Just take it on the chin,once its spent its spent. As i said to mrs bob "there are no pockets on coffins",she agreed and said i should enjoy myself why i still have my health.

Although in return for my self indulgence mrs bob does expect health farm weekends and trips to the big apple.

I've spent £6000 moving to a house with room for a garage which also cost me £3000,god knows how much the tools cost but the car has cost £3500.
She thinks i've spent £2000

MK9R - 21/3/03 at 07:50 AM

Originally posted by bob
Just take it on the chin,once its spent its spent. As i said to mrs bob "there are no pockets on coffins",she agreed and said i should enjoy myself why i still have my health.

Trouble is if she found out i wouldn't have my health!!

auzziejim - 21/3/03 at 08:16 AM

sounds like they really had hurry up with that kit woman mentioned on your website then austen


Rob Lane - 21/3/03 at 08:45 AM

Just tell them it's in budget BUT don't tell them the budget!