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Trailer for my MK Indy
Pete Jordan - 13/4/06 at 02:44 PM


I'm moving house soon and, given that I am going to need to move my Indy and also will need to transport it to get the exhaust manifold made etc and also plan to do track days, I have decided to get myself a trailer (they charge £60/day hire down my way!).

I've been scanning ebay for weeks but they seem to either be cheap and knackered or good but the wrong size or only a couple of hundred quid cheaper than a new one, or too far away from me!

Therefore, I've decided to go for a new one and have been looking on the web at the various options available. I like the look of the Brian James Minno Sport but it is just too narrow and rather expensive; I also looked at PRG trailers but they seem a bit expensive. The favourite at the moment seems to be a Woodford traiers 11' x 6'1" bed model at £1000 + VAT. I did look at getting a kit but the only one I could find was actually more expensive than the Woodford trailer! My question is, for those that have experience of trailers, which is the best one to go for and is the size I've quoted as small as I can comfortably go (Woodford trailers do a 10' version but will this be too small?). Any advice much appreciated.

Also, anyone who knows of a suitable second hand trailer in good condition for sale within 100 miles of Gatwick, I might want to buy it!

many thanks,


graememk - 13/4/06 at 03:03 PM

have a search for blue line trailers in lincolnshire, they have a very good name.

v8kid - 13/4/06 at 03:11 PM


I use a Brian James Clubman as do most of the other chaps here. Well made, easy to repair if you ding it on a gatepost etc, good resale value. I've had it 3 years with no problems.
Best thing I ever did was to buy a new trailer when you want to play with your car you can't be arsed always having to fix an old home made trailer.

Not in locost spirit though.


mkblade - 13/4/06 at 03:13 PM

my trailer is in horley u can hire it for £50.00 for the weekend,good trailer new brakes tow hitch .

its a four wheel trailer with winch.

i might sell it soon . its big enough to fit a discovery on it.

u2u me if your interested+

cheers simon

mandbsheldon - 13/4/06 at 05:26 PM

I have a twin axle trailer. New winch, new lights, very strong. £600 if your interested.

Leigh (nottingham)

mark chandler - 13/4/06 at 06:34 PM


I,ll loan you one for free ! Brakes are a bit naff after I lent it out last time but aside from that its fine.

Collection and return anytime really so if yoiu need it for a couple of weeks no problem.

U2U me if interested.

Regards Mark

Pete Jordan - 14/4/06 at 02:29 PM


thanks very much for all the suggestions and offers of loans. I would be a bit nervous of borrowing a trailer because of insurance issues and not knowing what state it is in. Also, I'm moving to Hampshire so it will be a bit of a hike to bring it back to Sussex.

Thanks also for letting me know of the trailer for sale but Nottingham is a bit far to go really.

The thing I really would like to know is how small a trailer can I get away with. I've certainly seen posts where people say they have 10' long trailer beds and an Indy fits OK. The only downer seems to be that 5'7" width seems to be just to narrow and the next width trailer manufacturers make is 6'1", which is wider than I would want as I don't want it to take up too much space in the garage.

So, what is the ideal size of trailer to carry a MK Indy comfortably but be as small as possible?


jos - 14/4/06 at 02:33 PM

MAC#1 had one for sale. I'll try to dig out the link to the advert

INDY BIRD - 14/4/06 at 09:43 PM

i have a woodford trailer 10' x 6'1 it tows really well no problems and car fits on with around 3" either side of the wheel.

added feature as it has a cast tow hitch not pressed steel and a tow lock included.

Light weight and easy to load car on and off.
Paid £850 new last sept.

Highly reccomended.

Pete Jordan - 14/4/06 at 10:52 PM

Thanks guys, looks as though its going to be a 10' x 5'7" Woodford trailer, although, at £1145, they seem to have gone up in price a lot since September!
