I got the engine re-started last night, now the cars on its on wheels, put it in gear and after the big CLUNK! managed to drive it for 4 feet in the
drive, stopped it on the handbrake, got out, pushed it back (no reverse) and did it again YIPPEEE!
Now i'm inspired
Just need to finish the interior, wire the front lights, find a silencer, fit the front wings and a few other twiddly bits and get it tested, a
few weeks I reckon?
I can feel a few more posts coming on
front wings if there the new ones
put brackets on put a piece of wood inbetween wheel and bracket arm
then masking tape a spark plug 21mm socket to the peice of wood first
then bend the arm over the socket this will give you the rquired gap you may have to longate the drilled holes holes for the pins in side to sit flat
but mine work look a treat
and its those little jobs which take the time because other ones keep coming out of the woodwork IYSWIM
To space my arch brackets to the wheel i used hospipe taped onto the wheel. Gives a nice even 1" ish gap.
Front wings were one of the easier jobs using the pipe idea. Wurth bond and seal to secure them. When cured take wheel off and apply some more for
good measure. Obviously cleanliness rules apply.
Originally posted by zxrlocost
front wings if there the new ones
put brackets on put a piece of wood inbetween wheel and bracket arm
then masking tape a spark plug 21mm socket to the peice of wood first
then bend the arm over the socket this will give you the rquired gap you may have to longate the drilled holes holes for the pins in side to sit flat but mine work look a treat
I'm at exactly the same stage but i only managed 3 " but i did manage 3" in reverse!!
Even a BEC can manage 3 inch in reverse