I won the 4 cylinder class at the 0-60 shootout in my MK last weekend with 3.2 secs.
Also won the first round of ProET.
0-60 IN 3.2 SECS
Well done Mark,you will have to give me some top tips,if I am going to get my 1/4 mile time down from a 13.8,see you up at york in JULY.
PS if CHRIS MASON,asks for any help,for Julys drag meet,don't give him any,he's fast enough
Just thought i'd post it to give MK a bit of good publicity which they deserve.
[Edited on 6/5/06 by carnut]
3.2 secs impessive
Well done that man.
what the heck is the engine spec (and rubber) to get 0 - 60 in 3.2 ?
Thats ultima territory!
its a BEC would'nt expect anything else.
Mmmmm........ slicks..............
that 8 litre bugatti can only do it in 3.1 secs
Not too shabby at all
What's the 0-100 just out of interest?
Not exactly sure as ive only got a speed v time trace upto 60 but i guess about 8/9 secs due to aerodynamics. I'll post the graph later as its quite interesting to look at the gear changes etc.
Oh Sh@@!!
Carnut,why does your car have to be the only one that looks like mine?
Dont expect me to do a sub 4 seconds at york in July,just remember mines the one without the engine sticking out of the bonnet and it will be a bit
slower,so if you think carnut has fell asleep on his run it will be me in a similar looking Indy!
Now where can I fit the Nitrous kit?
Yours wishing he'd not say he'd go,Dean.....
3.2 is that quite quick then ? :-)
Have your eyballs caught up yet ?
[Edited on 7/5/06 by britishtrident]
Well done M8, very impressive, missed it this year due to car being in bits small write up and a picture here
Never knew slicks were acceptable though, thought the car had to be in road legal trim.
Just read the report. No wonder you were so quick, it appears you had a tailwind............