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MK Wins 0-60 Shootout
carnut - 6/5/06 at 06:43 PM

I won the 4 cylinder class at the 0-60 shootout in my MK last weekend with 3.2 secs.

Also won the first round of ProET.

matt.c - 6/5/06 at 06:52 PM


0-60 IN 3.2 SECS


PAUL FISHER - 6/5/06 at 06:57 PM

Well done Mark,you will have to give me some top tips,if I am going to get my 1/4 mile time down from a 13.8,see you up at york in JULY.
PS if CHRIS MASON,asks for any help,for Julys drag meet,don't give him any,he's fast enough

carnut - 6/5/06 at 07:03 PM

Just thought i'd post it to give MK a bit of good publicity which they deserve.

[Edited on 6/5/06 by carnut]

bob - 6/5/06 at 07:05 PM

3.2 secs impessive

Well done that man.

MikeR - 6/5/06 at 07:51 PM

what the heck is the engine spec (and rubber) to get 0 - 60 in 3.2 ?

Thats ultima territory!

Jon Ison - 6/5/06 at 07:54 PM

its a BEC would'nt expect anything else.

Hellfire - 6/5/06 at 10:01 PM

Mmmmm........ slicks..............


omega0684 - 6/5/06 at 10:33 PM

that 8 litre bugatti can only do it in 3.1 secs

Simon - 6/5/06 at 11:40 PM

Not too shabby at all

What's the 0-100 just out of interest?



carnut - 7/5/06 at 09:07 AM

Not exactly sure as ive only got a speed v time trace upto 60 but i guess about 8/9 secs due to aerodynamics. I'll post the graph later as its quite interesting to look at the gear changes etc.

DEAN C. - 7/5/06 at 10:12 AM

Oh Sh@@!!
Carnut,why does your car have to be the only one that looks like mine?
Dont expect me to do a sub 4 seconds at york in July,just remember mines the one without the engine sticking out of the bonnet and it will be a bit slower,so if you think carnut has fell asleep on his run it will be me in a similar looking Indy!
Now where can I fit the Nitrous kit?

Yours wishing he'd not say he'd go,Dean.....

britishtrident - 7/5/06 at 10:54 AM

3.2 is that quite quick then ? :-)

Have your eyballs caught up yet ?

[Edited on 7/5/06 by britishtrident]

Wadders - 7/5/06 at 10:59 AM

Well done M8, very impressive, missed it this year due to car being in bits small write up and a picture here
Never knew slicks were acceptable though, thought the car had to be in road legal trim.

Hellfire - 7/5/06 at 11:20 AM

Just read the report. No wonder you were so quick, it appears you had a tailwind............