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It runs
mk blade - 14/4/03 at 06:46 PM

Got the engine fired up yesterday, did sound nice.

Been wanting to hear her run for agains now, and she fired up first time after we got some fuel up to the carbs.
Must have got something right to get her to run.

Now what is left to do,

finish wiring off - not 2 bad
make up gear change - yep will probably need one
fit body panels - not done yet so i dont scratch them

nearlly there then

oh yes must decide what to do with dash will nead some instruments as well i think.

anyhow i have to go back to garage now and listen to that engine again.

marcotuinenburg - 14/4/03 at 07:15 PM

i´m planning to build a blade too.
Do you know if i really need a reverse to get is through the SVA ?

mdc124 - 14/4/03 at 08:43 PM

no reverse needed for SVA.

mk blade - I u2u'd u