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M80 - 11/6/06 at 11:29 AM

Hello Everyone, this is my first post and it is just to say thanks to everyone who has helped me get this far. I have just been around the block for the very first drive of my MK Indy- and WOW what an experience. There's still work to be done before its ready for the SVA , but hopefully it wont be too much longer before being fully road legal.
I've added a couple of pics of my blade engined Indy.
see you all soon at Newark

donut - 11/6/06 at 11:36 AM

Nice one. Hopefully you will get on the road and still be able to enjoy the rest of the summer. I'm just waiting for my SVA date so should'nt be long now!!

zilspeed - 11/6/06 at 12:00 PM

Does the usename M80 give any clue as to your whereabouts ?

John F
AKA B8048

M80 - 11/6/06 at 12:15 PM

Hi zilspeed,
No im sorry it doesnt, im actually from just down the road from MK in Carlton in Lindrick

joneh - 11/6/06 at 01:31 PM

Is that colour SVA friendly?

tom windmill - 11/6/06 at 02:39 PM

that'll stand out from the crowd most certainly

OX - 11/6/06 at 02:57 PM

very nice

pjavon - 11/6/06 at 04:44 PM

Really pleased for you , hope your on the road soon. I think your car looks fantastic , especially the wheels and Brakes, feel a bit jelous though as i've wanted some of them for a while now. But good luck with the SVA and i hope your on the road before the weather brakes.

Winston Todge - 11/6/06 at 05:51 PM

Looks like a great build!

Really like the Mugen badge on the front.

Where did you get the stripes made up?

Stick on? Are they hard to apply?



darrenga - 11/6/06 at 06:13 PM

have you hinged your nose cone.if so have you any pics

Fredrik Jönsson - 11/6/06 at 06:26 PM

Nice car. Like the seats. If I can fit in them I will order the same for my kit.

But why the Sierra steeringwheel???

Hellfire - 11/6/06 at 06:49 PM

Deffo one more for the convoy!!!

Nice motor...

Gazza - 11/6/06 at 07:16 PM

Are those front arches from MK too? I like them a lot - look much better than the Luego ones I have.....

cidersurfer - 11/6/06 at 07:28 PM

Looks fantastic, big thumbs up

AndyGB - 12/6/06 at 06:35 PM

Cant see any pics ?

greggors84 - 13/6/06 at 12:13 AM

This wouldnt happen to be your car would it?

If it is then you are going to wonder how I got this picture, i have another too, with out the viper stripes.

If its not you, i might look a bit silly.

Very nice car though!! Rescued attachment myindy5011.jpg
Rescued attachment myindy5011.jpg

M80 - 13/6/06 at 07:29 PM

Hi to everyone again and thanks for your comments, now i shall try to answer them. Firstly joneh i hope the colour is SVA friendly , its certainly my favourite and as soon as i saw a Kawazaki green MK I knew that was the colour i wanted and yes it should certainly stand out. To answer winston the stripes were made by myself from 1.5 M of matt black fablon and cut into stripes, applying them is not too difficult if you mark out the centre and work from there being carefull and taking your time. Hi darrenga, yes i have hinged the nosecone , i will get some pics and add them to my archive. Sadly fredrik until through the SVA the sierra steering wheel will stay to make things easier . The front arches are from MK , and Paul really has made a great job of them (Thanks Paul). Hi greggors84 , yes it is my car, the pic was taken a few months ago, was very suprised to see it on here and took some thinking about where you got it from, i have worked it out now after a couple of phone calls .and finally thanks to ox , pjavon , chris , hellfire , cidersurfer and of course phil, baz , charlie and everybody else who helped