Just thinking out aloud here...
Recent trip on hols I was suffering from Overheating.
Presumably the ideal airflow would be having the "out" area the same as for "in" ( front grill and bonnet bulge)?
Yet the only airflow exit (on mine anyway) is down the tranny tunnel (which narrows!) and a handful of vent holes in the under tray.
Has anyone experimented in increasing air exit flow, to help reduce overheating?
If anything you need more out than in.
Make sure the air cannot flow around the edges of the rad and all the air flows through it which should dramatically improve cooling, that's
assuming the rad is good enough for the job.
Yeah Cheers, typically I've just found a post on that, & just been following that through -
Was wondering what others have done with Indys?
What started me thinking on this was a recent post/vote on an adding vents (obvious 1st step) on a GT2. getting them to look OK, rather than as an
after thought.
Looking through the posts, I've got what I thought was just a catch bottle, didn't realise that its probably a two way system.
From memory there isn't any water in the catch /overflow bottle!
Like you say - I've no radiator shroud, so that looks like another area to investigate!
[Edited on 31/7/06 by skidude88]