once type 9 gearbox and pinto engine are fitted can you still access the plug to put the gearbox oil in. If not how do you fit engine and gearbox
without spilling the oil as when removing engine even using the rag, plastic bag and large rubber band method the drive got covered and i was in the
dog house!!
I am planning on an access hole in the footwell with a bloody great bung in it! Well I might go for a nice disk cover but I want to get in there and
check oil level every lube service!
Originally posted by jabbahutt
once type 9 gearbox and pinto engine are fitted can you still access the plug to put the gearbox oil in. If not how do you fit engine and gearbox without spilling the oil as when removing engine even using the rag, plastic bag and large rubber band method the drive got covered and i was in the dog house!!
so I take it from your responses that the oil plug isn't accessible once fitted?
You can get to it, it's just bl**dy awkward. You can cut an allen key down so you can get the plug out from underneath the car. Then use a funnel
with a piece of hose attached to it shoved in the filler hole. Fill it with oil until it starts to dribble out of the filler hole (Tray underneath to
catch it obviously). Wait until it stops dribbling and put the plug back in. Then get the swarfega out.
i put my gearbox and engine in together -lowered into the car you can then attach the prop whilst still holding the engine in the air put a pipe and
funnel into the hole and fill er up. put the bolt back in and slide the engine and box backwards onto its mounts.
HTH Matt
OR you can take of the top plate of the gearbox and fill it up to the bottom lip of the filler bolt down the side - i tried this first, got the bolts
off but couldnt manage to get the screws out - the just rounded themselves.
again hth matt
I filled mine via the top plate no problem at all. Nice bright light and you can see when it is up to the filler plug.
Getting the oil out by this method is a touch more difficult when the time comes to change the oil!
That's why there is no drain plug, don't create work.
Yep you should'nt need to fill it again, but only be-able to check the level...