well the Pinto engine went in yesterday without too many problems and amazingly the weather held off.
only pronlem encountered and to be fair i was expencting it to cause grief is the alternator. At present it's a standard Sierra unit on a
standard bracket.
As expected it doesn't fit and even with the alternator removed it looks like the lower part of the steering colum will foul the bracket.
I've read several threads on the subject but everyone seems to of taken different paths to solving the problem so do/can I
1) use the standard alternator with a modified bracket to lift it higher, if so are these available to buy cost/place as i have no access to
welding/fabricating kit
2)use a different alternator and bracket, it so what alternator and again what bracket?
any info much appreciated as I've seen photos of Tiger's with what looks like my bracket but with a piece of sheet metal mounting it to the
block but I can't seem to find out where they come from.
thanks for any advice as i'm dying to get more done but would like to sort out this problem first.
I've used a 2CV alternator, but this means getting an external voltage regulator.Quite a few builders have used small Japanese alternators. Daihatsu rings a bell.
Hey, just had the same problem! ring mk and ask for to make you an alternator braket, sorted. (dont expect it quick though!! i've been waiting months for mine! if you can go to mk and get phil to do it there and ten for you?!)
I too had the same problem, made a bracket similar to the MK one, picture on my website somewhere.
If you need measurements let me know
[Edited on 1/10/06 by RichardK]
I had a similar problem with my CVH.
I made my own bracket which was dead easy and rummaged around in Halford for a suitable belt.
Using the original alternator makes the wiring nice and easy.
[Edited on 2/10/06 by whitestu]