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MK owners club contact
stevec - 15/10/06 at 12:34 PM

I am a member of the MK owners club.
On my insurance condition and mileage declaration, it states that if the car is valued at more than £5000 I need a club valuation to say that it is worth £*****. As the club website is down at the moment, Who would I contact for help on this.

donut - 15/10/06 at 04:00 PM

if Andy (ASH3) can't do it, let me know and i'll do one for you.

my email is andrew(dot)west17(at)

stevec - 15/10/06 at 04:38 PM

Cheers Andy.

mad dad - 15/10/06 at 07:52 PM

don't know if anyone can help but i sent a cheque off about a month ago which was forwarded onto someone else (sorry can't find name at the mo) just wondered what might have happened to it!! Cheers

PAUL FISHER - 15/10/06 at 08:09 PM

Originally posted by mad dad
don't know if anyone can help but i sent a cheque off about a month ago which was forwarded onto someone else (sorry can't find name at the mo) just wondered what might have happened to it!! Cheers

Andy is running the owners club now,"ASH3" on this forum,send him a U2U,he will sort it for you.

ASH3 - 15/10/06 at 11:08 PM

Hi mad dad yes donut sent it on to me will
forward your membership on to you.

mad dad - 16/10/06 at 07:21 AM

Brilliant, thanks ASH3