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MK boot cover pic!?!
Jonte - 16/10/06 at 03:18 PM

Anyone here got a pic of the boot cover that MK supplies to cover there boot?
And what are "prestuds" that comes with it?

StevieB - 16/10/06 at 03:51 PM

Don't have a pic, but sounds like it'll be a vinyl tonneau type cover that fits via press studs around the adges of the rear panel.

Personally, I'd go with a piece of ABS sheet cut to shape and fitted over the boot space, with a box underneath and some hinges/locks.

Hellfire has a particularly fancy one, with step by step details of how they did it - worth a look

Jubal - 16/10/06 at 04:01 PM

I'd second the recommendation. The vinyl cover is low quality and the press studs will pull through if you use them with any frequency. I've had to replace several and am planning on ditching the whole thing and going with an ABS sheet.

StevieB - 16/10/06 at 04:46 PM

Plus, ABS can have a lock fitted, so (slightly) secure if you're on a tour and need to keep a few non valuable essentials safe for a short while.

Jonte - 16/10/06 at 05:03 PM

thanks for the answers

INDY BIRD - 16/10/06 at 05:46 PM


I have a full torneau cover for sale for a indy includes boot cover it is advertised in the for sale column or do a search for torneau cover pics of it as well. custom made with zip of half doors high quality by jill jud.

popers will def not pull of.

only if interested

cheers sean

u2u if any questions

greggors84 - 18/10/06 at 12:55 PM

What sort of places sell sheets of ABS?


StevieB - 21/10/06 at 04:03 PM

Also try ESP Plastics

They manufacture and sell all sorts of ABS carbon look stuff (a lot of which you'll have seen previously at SVC)

esn163 - 21/10/06 at 06:32 PM

I'll second ESP plastics had great service from them with our sheets for interior panels
