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Dimensions, GT1
SnipeZ - 27/6/03 at 12:38 PM

Hi guys. Contemplating a GT1 build (hope they get round to SVA'ing one soon). Have a BJ Minno trailer at the moment, but dunno whether it'd be too narrow for a GT1 - specifically whether the side panels would clear the raised edges of the Minno. Any clues/sizes appreciated.


adampage - 27/6/03 at 12:49 PM


From memory when I collected the parts for mine, a finished car is approx 5 foot 5-6 inch wide (less than I thought at first), and just over 12 foot long.

My ride height (it's not finished yet, but shouldn't change too much as this is with all the heavy stuff in - except me!) is about 4-5".

The outer edge of the wheels are pretty close to the outer edge of the bodywork too (if you get my drift).

Also, remember the front overhang is quite long for getting it up the ramps.

Hope that helps, but if you want me to measure up properly at the weekend, let me know.


[Edited on 27/6/03 by adampage]

[Edited on 27/6/03 by adampage]

I love speed :-P - 27/6/03 at 07:01 PM

I will be goin to mk 2morrow (sat 28) and i can get any more info if u want

but u better be quick

SnipeZ - 27/6/03 at 09:54 PM

Yeah kindly grab exact measurements if u can pls. Saves me a trip to the land of the Panthers (spit) LOL (Manchester Storm fan - for my sins)

I love speed :-P - 28/6/03 at 06:41 AM

No problem i will get them when i get there


I love speed :-P - 28/6/03 at 05:44 PM

I have been to mk today as plained however when i tried to get the dimetions for the gt1 they did not no.



p.s. the engineering side of the cars is very good however the over all admin is apathetic.

p.s.s. i would not let this put u of

Jon Ison - 28/6/03 at 08:37 PM

mmmmmmmm, engineering side ?, there as been much talk of the strengh of MK chassis on ere, well take it from me they are strong n more than man enough for the job as i found out earlier today.....

chris, when we got it back n checked things over we found it still in 5th, so i was stonkin on at the time....... roll on Mallory.

locodude - 29/6/03 at 02:22 PM

Bit of a neck ache tihs morning Jon?
Been to pick some bits up from the unit and had a good look. You seem to have damaged it slightly

Jon Ison - 29/6/03 at 04:18 PM

yea, just had another look myself today, bit stiff in the neck/back area but considering the impact i think everything stood up well, i had some pics mailed to me last night too, "shockin"

adampage - 30/6/03 at 08:41 AM

Hope mind and body aren't too badly damaged!

Thanks for the impromptu crash-test - Euro-NCAP? bring it on! It looks like it survived well.

Funnily enough I've been debating whether to have more of a 'cage' on mine when it's finished!

How did it happen?
