Hi, I am considering an Indy,
If you are building/built one could you answer the following for me?
1) Build time
2) Total cost/Cost so far
3) Engine + Transmission
4) Model (new chassis maybe?)
5) How straightforward a build (scale 1-10, most simple to most difficult)
Any other info appreciated.
Thanks ,
Originally posted by mark_mcd
Hi, I am considering an Indy,
If you are building/built one could you answer the following for me?
1) Build time 1 year and nearly finished
2) Total cost/Cost so far around 7k
3) Engine + Transmission 919 Fireblade 1997
4) Model (new chassis maybe?) MK Indy
5) How straightforward a build (scale 1-10, most simple to most difficult) 3-4
Any other info appreciated. Absoultly loved it cant wait for it to be on the road!
HTH Mike
Thanks ,
Hi Mark,
Good choice!
1. build time, how longs a piece of string. I've built 2, each of which took me about 8 months (most weekends and odd evenings).
2. Cost round about £6500 on each.
3. First one pinto later converted to blade. Second one Fazer.
4. Both old chassis. If I were to build again, for sure would be an indy, new chassis, not quite sure.
5. build was rearly straight forward 2
[Edited on 9/2/07 by mandbsheldon]
1) Build time = 1 year
2) Total cost/Cost so far £4,500 total (pinto)
3) Engine + Transmission pinto 2 litre / type 9 box
4) Model (new chassis maybe?)
5) How straightforward a build (scale 1-10, most simple to most difficult) 3, pretty simple really and this site is superb for help / advice.
[Edited on 9/2/07 by donut]
Then you dont need to ask which Chassis or how long!
Basically set aside many weekends, nearly every evening for many years to come!
Go on! You know you want to!
PS my spelling isnt usual that bad, keyboard is just low on batteries
[Edited on 9/2/07 by jamesbond007ltk]
1) Build time = about 1 year working most weekends and a few eveings depends on how much she moans
2) Total cost/Cost so far = about 6k
3) Engine + Transmission nissan 1.8 turbo, but i'd look at zetec or bike engine
4) Model (new chassis maybe?) old
5) How straightforward a build (scale 1-10, most simple to most difficult) 3 and i've never built a car b4 mk when they have time are very very
helpful, theres normally someonme free who can help
1) Build time = 18 months
2) Total cost/Cost so far = about 5k
3) Engine + Transmission Pinto
4) Model (new chassis maybe?) old
5) How straightforward a build (scale 1-10, most simple to most difficult) 3
1) Build time 1 Year
2) Total cost/Cost so far About 6k
3) Engine + Transmission Kawasaki GPZ1000
4) Model (new chassis maybe?) New
5) How straightforward a build (scale 1-10, most simple to most difficult) 2
1) Build time = 7 months so far.
2) Total cost/Cost so far = £4500 ish so far, another £1500 ish to get on the road.
3) Engine + Transmission 2.0 pinto with megajolt & zx9 carbs bolted to mt75
4) Model (new chassis maybe?) = old
5) How straightforward a build (scale 1-10, most simple to most difficult) relatively easy so far, 3
Any other info appreciated.
If you can work a spanner and visit this site quite a bit, you can build an indy, as could anyone.
1) Build time 18months outside in a car port!
2) Total cost/Cost so far £7.500 (expensive wheels!)
3) Engine + Transmission 893 Fireblade
4) Model (new chassis maybe?) Indy
5) How straightforward a build (scale 1-10, most simple to most difficult) 3 The kit is easy enough, it's up to you how much more difficult you
make it for yourself.
Will definatly do another, probably another make next, but still think this is as good a first as any.
Have you had a good look at one? We loike to show them off if you tell us where abouts you are?
[Edited on 9/2/07 by ReMan]
1) Build time, 18 months
2) Total cost/Cost so far £3000 total
3) Engine + Transmission £893 blade
4) Model (new chassis maybe?) Home brew
5) How straightforward a build (scale 1-10, most simple to most difficult) 6 but only a couple of my mates could also do this !
Regards Mark
Originally posted by mark_mcd
1) Build time - 26 Months
2) Total cost/Cost so far - total £2250
3) Engine + Transmission - 2.0i Pinto/Type 9
4) Model (new chassis maybe?) - Modified Book, self built
5) How straightforward a build (scale 1-10, most simple to most difficult) - 5
Any other info appreciated.
Best car I have ever owned, inspired total confidence
Thanks ,
1. 26 Months, most weekends and the odd evening.
2.£550 Doing the locost scratch build thing
4.Chasis my own
5. 8 - 9 Next one will be easier
Hi Mark judging by your other posts havent these been asked/Answered before?
basically all the good kits are the same kind of build effort
you could build one for around 5-6k if you budgeted good
I built mine in 5 months but had all the money up front
Have you considered an almost finished kit they pop up at a good price every so often
.....I wouldn't take any advice off <Mark Allanson>, looks like he had his plans the wrong way round
(sorry Mark, couldn't resist)
1) Build time : 9 months to 1st SVA, 12 months to being on the road.
2) Total cost/Cost so far : £7.5 / 8k including everything, tools etc.
3) Engine + Transmission : 919 Blade
4) Model (new chassis maybe?) : Indy
5) How straightforward a build (scale 1-10, most simple to most difficult) : 2/3
1) Build time = 12 Months 1 evening a week and occasional weekends
2) Total cost/Cost so far = £5k OTR inc. SVA.
3) Engine + Transmission 1.8 CVH / type 9
4) Model (new chassis maybe?) 'Old chassis' Indy
5) How straightforward a build (scale 1-10, most simple to most difficult) 3
Dead easy build. It may sound obvious but if you want to do it cheap / quick keep the build as simple as poss.
Originally posted by whitestu
1) Build time = 12 Months 1 evening a week and occasional weekends
2) Total cost/Cost so far = £5k OTR inc. SVA.
3) Engine + Transmission 1.8 CVH / type 9
4) Model (new chassis maybe?) 'Old chassis' Indy
5) How straightforward a build (scale 1-10, most simple to most difficult) 3
Dead easy build. It may sound obvious but if you want to do it cheap / quick keep the build as simple as poss.
Yes, I purchased the deluxe kit.
I used pretty much everything from the Sierra including the clocks, and picked up some of the expensive bits second hand [seats, exhaust].
I modified my own sump to keep costs down, and made my own dash out of mdf and vinyl.
The 1.8 cvh has a fairly crap reputation and I reckon most would say that if you want to tune it the Pinto is a better bet, although the cvh is quite
abit lighter.
The good thing about the cvh that came with my sierra was that it had only done 65k and was in really good shape, so no rebuild was needed, which kept
the cost down.
I had no plans to tune the CVH as I always intended to replace with a Zetec later on [Zetec is based on CVH so exhaust comes out on the same side so
it should be quite easy]
I wasn't expecting much so I'm quite surprised by how good the standard CVH is.
I now have a 1.8 blacktop zetec which will go in next winter.
What you really need to give you a good start is a good partially built kit. As it happens I have exactly that languishing in my garage. Lack of time
caused by other commitments including son going kart racing means that little progress has been made in the last year.
The car is constructed from many new parts, including chassis and I could be persuaded to sell it if the offer was right. I am quite happy to detail
what is available if you or anybody else out there is interested.
go on the U2U me full details
and where you are etc
ta chris