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Sierra 4 pod calipers.
major - 25/2/07 at 09:01 AM

I stumbled upon a nice set of 4 pods including new vented discs and new pad's. The calipers needed some cleaning but other than that there is nothing wrong with them. Yes I know thay are heavy and more than adequate for a indy. But I have 2 questions,
1. Wheels, how many inch as a minimum to fit these kinda 4 pods?
2. Can I fit them on a standard upright?


robinj66 - 25/2/07 at 09:30 AM

I know that a guy on the Cobra forum had difficulty fitting these 4 pots to a standard sierra upright - apparantly the cosworth uprights are different.

As far as the minimum size wheels, what did the donor car run - would assume Ford at least got that right!

tim windmill - 25/2/07 at 11:25 AM

we have these on our indy with 15" wheels, they are a tight squeeze couldnt go any smaller with the rims, were are using cosorth uprights which can be fitted using a modified bottom wishbone to accept a different balljoint.
i dont know what the ball joint is off but the wishbones were supplied by mac 1 with the ball joint.

mcerd1 - 25/2/07 at 11:48 AM

they are the standard 2wd sierra cosworth calipers

you can make them fit the std sierra uprights but I think you need to use cosworth 4x4 discs (278mm) and grind/ mill a little off the mounting lugs to get them to line up

also I think they use M12's instead of M10's and the lugs on the calipers arn't threaded like on the normal sierra's

Its a little work but its been done before

major - 25/2/07 at 01:28 PM

So16 inch should not be a problem, Thanks. I am halfway cleaning, removed 3 layers of paint before I got to something resembling metal!

Try to upload a pic, but....


[Edited on 25/2/07 by major]

[Edited on 25/2/07 by major]

[Edited on 25/2/07 by major]

G.Man - 25/2/07 at 09:34 PM

pod or pot?