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Maybe for sale...
tom windmill - 26/3/07 at 06:47 PM


Been out in the car and i realy want to drive it myself now, but can't get any insurance until 21. Dont think i can wait 4 years before driving it myself on the road, so i am considering putting up for sale so i can buy my own tin top.

MK Indy
SVA'd 2006
2004 Fazer engine

u2u if intrested for full spec or more photos.

would be open to offers around 7000

Cheers Tom

roadrunner - 26/3/07 at 06:53 PM

NO , you cant sell it , you've only just got it the way you wanted it, borrow some money of your dad to get a cheapish tintop, then you still can have rides init.

zxrlocost - 26/3/07 at 07:06 PM

Tom have you tried adrian flux?

tom windmill - 26/3/07 at 07:17 PM

yes i have tried, but being 17 with 0 years no claims they arn't having any of it


jamesbond007ltk - 26/3/07 at 07:22 PM

Not an ideal solution by any means, but;

change the ownership of the Indy to your dad.
Have insurance on it in his name
Get yourself a tintop with insurance to drive other cars
Then you can legally drive the indy with your dads permission
You'll only be 3rd party insured, but you're not going to crash it are you!


Confused but excited. - 26/3/07 at 07:23 PM

A really nice build young man!
What a bummer.

Paul TigerB6 - 26/3/07 at 07:34 PM

No way of getting insured as a named driver with your dad as main driver etc??

nitram38 - 26/3/07 at 07:40 PM

Hate to burst your bubble, but a lot of fully comp policies (normally what you would need to drive other peoples cars third party) would have under 25 clauses that stop you doing that.

Duncan_P - 26/3/07 at 07:40 PM

Originally posted by jamesbond007ltk
Not an ideal solution by any means, but;

change the ownership of the Indy to your dad.
Have insurance on it in his name
Get yourself a tintop with insurance to drive other cars
Then you can legally drive the indy with your dads permission
You'll only be 3rd party insured, but you're not going to crash it are you!


Sorry to cast a downer on this solution but most insurance companies will not offer this service until your over 25. I have heard that some offer it, but i have yet to see any myself that do. Just make sure you read the small print on the policies as you dont want to get caught out.

On the upside I have met people before who are sub 21 with kit cars... so i would try every last avenue before throwing in the towel.

JoelP - 26/3/07 at 07:43 PM

Originally posted by tom windmill
yes i have tried, but being 17 with 0 years no claims they arn't having any of it


you mean they actually turn you down or do they just come back with a daft figure? i paid £1500 to insure my first proper car.

D.A.Z - 26/3/07 at 07:49 PM

gutted for you
i used a plan might be worth a call,
i sold my tvr cerbra cause we need a bigger house so bought a mk r1 my mate built last year i love it ,only thing now i need a bigger house with a garage and i cant find one i can afford doh
hope you dont have to sell it

jacko - 26/3/07 at 08:20 PM

No TOM if you sell it who will Andy and I go for blasts with ? put a 1.6 pinto in for know not as fast but you will be on the road

zxrlocost - 26/3/07 at 08:47 PM

Tom I will sort your Insurance with Flux tomorrow. Ill miss out the fairies in the call centre

U2u me your MOMS? DADS and your details.

or call me and let me know them tomorrow 01543 451760 10-4pm

what is your budget..(expect to pay a bit£)

worth a try!!!

its obvious you and no one else wants you to sell the car..

thanks Chris

PAUL FISHER - 26/3/07 at 09:26 PM

No,don't sell it Tom,spend your insurance money on a few track days,its more fun than driving it on the road,then try to insure it again next year.

24vseven - 26/3/07 at 09:48 PM

DO NOT SELL IT it looks awsome

try competition car insurance there used to stupid risks (no offence intended)
came to insure my esscy phoned them up for a quote expecing endless questions
and explaining none at all easy paying a cpl of hundred fully comp with a agreed value of 20K including cover between stages
if you want i will dig out the number for you or click here

[Edited on 26/3/07 by 24vseven]

[Edited on 26/3/07 by 24vseven]

richardR1 - 27/3/07 at 01:42 AM

Originally posted by 24vseven
DO NOT SELL IT it looks awsome

try competition car insurance there used to stupid risks (no offence intended)
came to insure my esscy phoned them up for a quote expecing endless questions
and explaining none at all easy paying a cpl of hundred fully comp with a agreed value of 20K including cover between stages
if you want i will dig out the number for you or click here

[Edited on 26/3/07 by 24vseven]

[Edited on 26/3/07 by 24vseven]

Recognise that Mk2 - or at least the reg number and remember the last yellow Escy it was attached to. Would I be right in thinking that it will be blatting round Alamein next month driven by Mr Smith.

24vseven - 27/3/07 at 09:23 AM

you would be right indeed wil we see you there

02GF74 - 27/3/07 at 09:26 AM

Originally posted by zxrlocost

its obvious you and no one else wants you to sell the car..

well what you and everyon else want is neither here nor there as far as insuracne is concerned.

If, and that is a BIG IF you do find a com;any to insure you, it will be in the thousands I reckon.

The insurance companies aren't being nasty nor are they stoopid but have assessed the risks and at your age (young), recorded driving experience (none) and car type (ultra face space rocket) menas that you'll most likley kill yourself, and if unlucky, take other people out at the same time.

Options are:

1. Downgrape performance - fit e.g. 1100 cc crosflow - check if you can get insurance first though

2. to continue ringing round but if AF aren;t interested, then I doubt you can find somoen else.

3. Store the car somewhere whilst you get driving experience.

4. Sell and build the next one.

procomp - 27/3/07 at 09:36 AM

Hi have you thought about trackdays. No tax + no insurance needed. Just need to get it there.

cheers matt

bimbleuk - 27/3/07 at 10:15 AM

The trackday route isn't such a bad idea as the money saved on fully comp road insurance could be spent on 1 or more trackdays month. At least you'll get better use from the car on track.

Downer is the potential costs of transporting the car and you want some sort of liability insurance just in case.

tim windmill - 27/3/07 at 01:24 PM

looks like dads driving the car the car this year then, poor Tom.

Crazy Jay - 27/3/07 at 04:31 PM

I'm with quinn-direct on my tin top 3rd party and there policy allows me to drive other cars. So we'll insure the indy under my dad for 200 bills and that'll save me about a grand for kitcar insurance

dilley - 27/3/07 at 04:35 PM

I was going to suggest that, insure a normal car with 3rd party cover to any vehicle not owned by you, get your dad/mum etc to insure the kit car, you will only be covered 3rd party while driving the kit car though but at least you can drive it.

24vseven - 27/3/07 at 05:12 PM

if you do decide to go down the cross flow route i have a cpl 1600s and 1300s and am just down the road from you in york also got a complete 1600 pinto with webber carb if it helps you

[Edited on 27/3/07 by 24vseven]

richardR1 - 28/3/07 at 09:30 PM

Originally posted by 24vseven
you would be right indeed wil we see you there

Yeah, will be there. Not competing with the R1 Mini though, my mate's lad is having a go in an Uno, he's only 17 so we are all going along to support.