Can some one help me I am mounting my gaer box and have come stuck on how or what to use fro gear box mounts. The standard block (Square ford) mount
won't fit between the box and the chassis.
The Indy has two plates welded in the chassis and these are in line with the mounting hole on the gear box. But this hole is about 5-15mm below
these plates. I'm guessing that I will have to make up a u shaped bracket but what and where do I mount it and what mount do I use.
Open to all reasonable sugestions.
it's only the inner part of the gearbox mount you want not the outer ford crap some had the centre bolted, some were riveted then you line up the
gearbox output shaft to the same height as the diff input
I encoutered this problem to aparently the standard ford mount is like poo so bought a uprated one from westfield but its a slightly different size so had to make up a plate spaced the right distance from those paltes in the tunnel, to allow gearbox extension to clear the front tunnel brace, i'll post a pic soon.
If it's of any use, I described a method I've used for mounting just about everything in the past 30 years; car engines/gearboxes etc.
I think it was in response to a query that James had on mounting the pinto engine. A search on here should bring it up.
I'm in the same position but I saw a note from CairB recently. He said that he used the smaller crossmember that's attached to the large
crossmember then used around 1/2 inch spacers to lift the gearbox such that the centre of the output shaft is at the same height, relative to the
chassis, as the centre of the diff.
This is what I plan to do in the next week or so.
MK said use M12 bonts to attach the crossmember to those plates. They haven't drilled the plates cos there are different gearbox options.
The big rubber mount in the centre of the gearbox Xmember is on a plate held in by two rivets. Grind them off and knock it out then use the same two
holes to mount it to your plates.
yours, Pete.
Sounds like a Plan PeterF
Cheers for all the Help. Realised my problem than I chucked the gearbox mount and cross member off my doner car Dooooo!.
Went to Scrappy got a "new" x-member and bolts etc. Now I see how to do this.