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maximum seat width.
bikkel - 7/8/03 at 02:54 PM


does any of the mk indy drivers/ builders know the
maximum seat width.
As I don't have my frame yet (is due in a week)
but have seen some cheap composite seats on an auction, so will
have to decide before i get the frame.
these seats are 450 mm.
will it fit?

regards koen de jong

mad-butcher - 7/8/03 at 06:14 PM

using PTM'S panels it's a very very tight 430mm not counting clearance and movement for your seat belts

MK9R - 8/8/03 at 06:56 AM

The actual inside dimension between the outside of the tunnel members and ithe nside of the side members is 440mm. You may be able to squeeze them in.

SteveO - 8/8/03 at 10:58 AM


I bought the classic cubs seats from midland-wheels 17inches wide.. very tight fit. The lower seat belt straps hardly move between the side panel and seat, but are very secure. Anyone know if this will be a problem for the sva?


bikkel - 9/8/03 at 03:34 PM

thanks a lot 4 your help

(price of the seats went skyhigh on ebay)


Peteff - 9/8/03 at 06:48 PM

If they are fibreglass seats like mine from MK cut holes in them and thread the belts through the seat same as everybody else does. If they don't tighten to your middle they aren't doing their job. The seat held them too far out to fit properly.

yours, Pete.