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fixing mk silencer to chassic
david cromie - 19/8/03 at 11:55 PM

what method is the best for securing the silencer to the chassic. david

Rorty - 20/8/03 at 04:10 AM

If you weld it on, it shouldn't come off!
However, it may well crack the welds after a while, so you'd probably be better off mounting it with a couple of silencer bands to a couple of those rubber insulators. They have independant threaded studs poking out each end, so you can stick one through a bracket on the chassis, and the other stud through the hole in the band.
Industrial supplies outlets are the typical source.

loafersmate - 20/8/03 at 04:44 PM

I went to an exhaust fitters and routed through their rubber mounting brackets till I found one for the job! I have an MK exhaust with the small tab welded on the end of the silencer.


david cromie - 20/8/03 at 11:54 PM

tks. again for your help. david

mad-butcher - 21/8/03 at 06:01 PM

this months which kit part 4 of the mk indy build covers just this point with a great picture martins website are covering the build so there might be a pic on there

GaryM - 16/1/06 at 06:05 PM

When you say Martin's Website can you provide the address as I can't seem to find it?


Hellfire - 16/1/06 at 06:43 PM

Probably cos it's not there anymore This thread is two and a half years old.