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MK Widowmaker 2 done with Pics! For Sale Aswell!
zxrlocost - 29/6/07 at 06:22 PM


heres some pics of the part built MK INDY I picked up a couple of months ago

apart from a few jobs for the SVA, exhaust bracket and headlights its ready for it.

The Engine is a Hobsport Racing Engine fireblade 919 however i have a receipt for over 1900 pounds spent there its believed to be up around 20%+ on power.

when I took it out the other day its power delivery is pure evil. its one quick car

there is a Koso digi-dash fitted which measures everything from whats going on with the engine to your timed runs

it also has the X roll bar

Ive got My SVA in July if anyone is seriously interested in the car there welcome to be the first person on the log book. with 6 months tax

I want 8 grand for it which with how good it looks and its engine spec is well worth it..
The Attention I got testing it the other day was great

its also got a quick release s/wheel
and Avo coilovers
15" TD Pro Race wheels which are in fine condition with new tyres

Ill do a proper for sale spec closer to the time.

thanks chris
07914 888894










Thinking about it - 29/6/07 at 07:45 PM

Looks good. A little different to when I last saw it when I picked up the roll bar.

I see they have built the new houses at the same rate.

speedyxjs - 29/6/07 at 08:14 PM

That looks really cool

zxrlocost - 29/6/07 at 08:29 PM

thanks yes they soon put the houses up

Omni - 29/6/07 at 08:54 PM

THAT LOOKS MINT! Well done you.


james h - 29/6/07 at 10:14 PM

Very nice!!
One q. though, you must have registered it as day use only? (no headlights), plus for the same reason, can you omit the indicators? Unless i am very much mistaken, I cant spot any.

The overall look seems much cleaner without the headlights, i think I might do the same!

JoelP - 29/6/07 at 10:29 PM

rereading the description, its not sva'd yet

zxrlocost - 29/6/07 at 10:49 PM

Hi sorry Joel is right it hasnt been SVA'd yet.. it was just a little test drive up the road I did

will have headlights etc next week

thanks chris

james h - 29/6/07 at 11:33 PM

I got too excited over the pics to read the text!

I'll be more careful next time . . .

adithorp - 30/6/07 at 07:51 AM

Nice one Chris, don't think you'll have that on your hands for long with those looks and that spec'.


zxrlocost - 30/6/07 at 09:40 AM

thanks ade shall put it on ebay today to drum up some interest as Id like it to go asap after SVA.

especially with MNR starting around then

zxrlocost - 1/7/07 at 09:32 AM />
now on ebay to get the word around