o well her goes iam looking at starting me first kit i have a 4*4 rear lsd a 2lt focus zetec and type 9 box but what kit does every one go for for
the first one
ps how do you get a pic on here
That looks like you have the start of a very nice car maybe a bit harder to do then a pinto engine but all on here will help you with problems
thanks for your reply iam looking at the the mk indy or the gts kits at the mo do you no any thing about these two and how can i put a pic on me profile
Do a search on Avatars and all will be revealed...
Assuming this is the picture you want, save it in your archive and paste the URL into your Avatar box.
With regards to the kits you'll get biased answers, so the best way to decide is to get along to one of the shows and have a look at the quality
for yourself.
You'll not go far wrong with either of the kits you've mentioned. Location can also be an influencing factor on the kit you decide to go
I'd say go for the MK but then I'm biased
Who needs a kit ? If you are serious why not go with one or other of the books and build it from scratch? It will take longer but it will a) be much
more satisfying b) you will have much more control over your build, not tied to one supplier for parts. c) you will learn so much more than bolting
a kit together and you will be responsible for any problems rather than some manufacturer therefore you can fix them yourself and take pride in it! d)
you have the opportunity to build a unique vehicle exactly as you want it!
It may well not be noticeably cheaper than a kit but it will be worth so much more to you.
yes that is true and i do have the book allreay but would need alot more room then what i have but iam still looking at that as a 3rd choice tho many thanks
MK and GTS have there own sections on this forum, so do MAC#1, Luego, MNR and Tiger. Read them they ae quite interesting!! As said, best to go to a show and sit in a few cars or go see someone local who has a car that you are interested in.