take a look at my new build site
my MK indy powered by a ZX-12R kawasaki ( ex sidecar)
I've just got my own web page sorted out.
Detailing my own Indy Blade build. I've just stuck up some pictures of my £25 maroon Sierra Sapphire donor car. Pure Automotive P0rn!
Hi Ali
Just had a quick shifty at your website and you can join the MK Owners club at any time.
Also i just wondered what music software you use to create music. I also do a bit but i can't play at all well!! Drop me an email at
bikkel, do you have any details of the close ratio box you mention on your site?
hi rorty
it's the standard zx-12 gearbox
( close ratio compared to a cec)
regards koen
Yep - I've just uploaded the first page, soon to be followed by lot's more, to help and inform.
Visit: MK Urbantiger
I have currently taken over 100 photo's of MK's current "Red Rocket" build, all presently viewable in my Photo Archive if anyone
wants any help.
Happy viewing all!!!
Have got to tell you that my whole family was stunned by the movies on your site. The clip of the Hayabusa Caterh*m was particularly outrageous
(driving on public roads) Those cars can fly!
anyone got any more good vids ??
I went and installed quicktime especially for the HAYABUSA CATERHAM.mov, and all I can say is wow! I made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up,
thinking of when I was taken out in a locost blade.
I'm with macspeedy - anyone else got any more of these vids? That was fantastic.
They weren't even trying.....I'm getting a video camera mount for my roll bar then we'll see some proper thrashing!!
hi all
i' got more than 800 MB of BEC videos
+ a few GB of seven videos
( collected from everywhere)
I jsut dont have more webspace to put em ? anybody got a few gigsbytes free space? i can upload from my cable broadband connection
would they be available on cd?? I'd send some discs? how many!!
bikkel, i run a private ftp server which you could upload the files to (u2u me for info) and have a gig or so of webspace that i could use to host.
and i'll probably be able to re-encode the videos to get them a bit smaller :-)
of course, i can't host any copyrighted materials
would i still beable to get them on cd cause my download speed is crap?
Let us know when you get some of them uploaded please.
Many thanks
i've u2u'd bikkel the info for the ftp, as soon as i get the files, i'll re-encode them and upload, shouldn't take too long.