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Rear brake pipe routing
Jay k - 8/10/07 at 04:15 PM

I have been searching for ages now and I cannot see the woods through the tree's.

I am at the point of fitting the rear copper brake pipes. My pipe runs from the master cylinder down the tunnel on the drivers side lower rail, but has anyone got any photo's of where the T piece is best placed and where the pipes run from this.

Thanks in advance


Duncan Mould - 8/10/07 at 04:27 PM

I copied mine off a westfieldand as it came out by the back of the seat at the top of the tunnel, I put a short 90 degree bend to the left and connected to the axle with a 10 inch braided hose to my copper pipes on the axle.

rotax78 - 8/10/07 at 04:35 PM

there's some in my archive that show how i've done it

RobH - 8/10/07 at 07:28 PM


Here is a pic of where I have fitted the "T" piece on my rear disc brake Indy, it is the idle place. I think this will be O.K. for drums as well.

If you look on my archive you can see to routing.

Good luck

Rob Rescued attachment Diff Fitted 01.JPG
Rescued attachment Diff Fitted 01.JPG

RobH - 8/10/07 at 07:31 PM

And yes that rearly is some Avatar

[Edited on 8/10/2007 by RobH]

[Edited on 8/10/2007 by RobH]

RobH - 8/10/07 at 07:42 PM

Those girls only exist in dreams. Don't they??

RobH - 8/10/07 at 07:44 PM

Any back to you brake line. Rescued attachment Brake lines to front 01.JPG
Rescued attachment Brake lines to front 01.JPG

RobH - 8/10/07 at 07:45 PM

In the tunnel Rescued attachment Brake line to rear 02.JPG
Rescued attachment Brake line to rear 02.JPG

RobH - 8/10/07 at 07:47 PM

And out the back Rescued attachment Brake line to rear 01.JPG
Rescued attachment Brake line to rear 01.JPG

SyKaTurbo - 9/10/07 at 08:23 AM

Anyone got any pics of how the rear flexi connects into the rear cylinders?

Jay k - 9/10/07 at 12:23 PM

Cheers RobH for the photo's - looks good.

Duncan Mould - have you any photo's of what you did to make a comparison?

Regarding going into the wheel cylinders I hear people say they run a short copper pipe out of the cylinder and fix a bracket onto the rear upright and then run the flexi to this.

Avatar - always pays to be in control of the remote - eh gents!!! ( don't tell the mrs she is on here, she'll kill me)

Any more photos of the rear section put them on please.