Just gauging it for now, but I'm thinking of getting shot of my part built Indy.
It's part built, about 80% complete I'd say, with only a few parts needed to complete it (could probably be done for another £500 or so +
SVA costs).
General spec is R1 carb engine, Wilwood front calipers, recon'd sierra rears. Everything else fits in the generic Indy bracket.
What do people reckon it could be worth?
£5500 - £6000
...... if it really is only £500 + SVA away from being on the road.
£500 plus a set of wheels - I forgot they're not on my list of things to buy (not sure why, because I will definately need them at some point )
i'd say more like £3500. It's not finished and pre sva so only worth about half of an on the road car.
No chance of >£5000. Finished ones go for that sort of money.
You'd be much better to spend the £500 and sell it SVA'd. The reasons that you probably don't find that idea appealing are the same
reasons an unfinished project is worth much less than a complete one!
£3500 to someone who wants exactly what you have.
Part builts always seem a struggle to sell because they are never exactly right for the next person, so theres a cash penelty.
I dunno what effect winter has on part built prices - but I know Xmas is gonna knacker your selling it, cos no bugger has any money and no one would
buy a part built as a present...well not unless there were some VERY large hints dropped
Good luck!
I'm just getting to the point where there are lots of little niggley set backs and I just don't have the time, patience or skills to
complete it.
The other option I suppose is to think about how much someone would charge to complete it all for me and bring it back SVA'd.
how far on are you with it, ive a mate who is looking for a part built, but not too built so maybe too far on with the build.
Well, the engine's in, prop etc. is in, brakes fitted.
Like I said, probably a good 80% complete, but there are loads of parts that need 'snagging' as it were, just to fine tune and perfect it.
Have you any up to date photos of the car it may help to sell in
hi stevieB,
i have a trailer if you need it moving.
regards john
ps free
does the engine run and yep some pictures please
Steve, Dont do it
I have had the same problems and about 2 weeks ago was ready to set fire to the garage. Find yourself a local kit car builder/enthusiast to help you.
Worx on this site is helping me with the bits I cant do. Its amazing how much you can get done with some professional help
You have probably spent £6-7K on your car only to recover £3.5K
Plus its double pay in November? Theres always some ads in the back of the Kit car mags offering to finish projects. May be worth a punt
Hi Steve
Don't give up on it, if you can do 80% of the build I now you can do the other 20%.
What is the part of the build thats made you want to give up.
There loads of people on this site who will be happy to help, me included.
Just keep going.
Hey, you're not alone here! Only you're way further along than I am. And I'm farming out work before I even get the handbrake in - long story, but I'm not going to have a heart attack over a car. There is plenty to be done, but there are also lots of people who will help out - the money spent on it will be worth it!!!
got a 250 f1 long circuit superkart a new fully enclosed trailor used 4 times and enough kit ,spares ,wheels ect to keep you going for a full season
for the complete setup three and a quarter to three and a half,there is loads of kit here,am looking for a part build as I work for a f3 team and want
to work on something in the winter months when I stop over at the workshops,if you are interested give me a bell
07815 618413
Right - the car's staying and I'm going to complete it up to the point where I could take it to the track and use it (bypass a load of SVA
I'll tackle the whole SVA thing later!
Good decision Steve.