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indy dimensions
eccsmk - 24/10/07 at 03:32 PM

does anyone know the dimensions of an indy need to buy a shed or garage for storage
thank you in advance

worX - 24/10/07 at 03:35 PM

I would of thought 5ft by 10.5ft wouldn't be too far off the mark, but I'm only guessing as I don't have one! You obviously need it to be bigger to be able to get in and out...


eccsmk - 24/10/07 at 04:00 PM

i see from your archive you built yours outside
ill get back on screwfix direct site price one up

Jubal - 24/10/07 at 06:46 PM

The Indy's track is 5' 7" wide on et38 wheels and you have arches that stick out a bit further. The whole car is about 11ft long. HTH.

eccsmk - 24/10/07 at 11:18 PM

thanks for replies. still haven't ordered anything but im still on the look out