Am i right in thinking the quick rack from MK is shortened (ready to fit) and is 2.8 turns? does anybody know how much it is?
yes on both.
last time i checked, when i got one, they were £105 so probably a bit more on top now. you'd be best to ring them for a price.
will do soon, thanks indykid
Hmm, my MK quick rack turns just over 3.
Did they set me up on this (too)?
Hi just out of interest are you actually getting a quicker ratio or are you just getting a lesser movement of the wheel due to the shortening process.
Just because the wheel dose not turn as far dose not mean it is a different ratio on the rack and pinion if you see what i mean.
Has anyone actually worked out the ratios of the rack bar and pinion ?.
I only ask as i have an escort rack in the workshop that was sold as a quick rack . But acctually had lockstops fitted just giving less movment.
Clearly not an actual increace in the ratio it's self unlike the real quick racks which have a different ratio rack bar and pinion.
Cheers Matt
it's definitely a different ratio. i meant to measure the rack movement per turn when i put it in, but it completely slipped my mind.
mine's 3 turns from wheel touching wishbone to wheel touching wishbone. it used to be 4 and a half and the wheels got nowhere near.
it means i now need to get round to some rack stops...........but it definitely is quicker.
good points made and thanks for answers too, all good to know - and an interesting point made by procomp - don't get scammed!
Thanks all