Hi All, Just a quickie...
With the Indy gear linkage down the tunnel to the footwell should the rose joint be mounted on the top or bottom of the arm that translate
forwards/back to left/right? Mine is on the top and looks at quite a steep angle.
i would say whatever makes it straightest.
when i had a look at your car (while liam still had it) it did look a bit steep
im not sure if this will help but have a look at hellfire site december 2003 thats how i did mine
This is a picture of the mk gearchange on a fireblade may be of help
Rescued attachment varous 030.jpg
That looks even higher than mine, but mine looks at a steeper angle.
Dan... The steepness is what worries me, its missed the odd gear but nothing major. Was just thinking the straighter the line the more direct it would