fit shocks done (well almost)
fit passenegr seat (not here yet)
paint bonnet(ordering a new one)
then i think i will take it to a track before taking it to sva
so nearly there just thought id let you all know
[Edited on 10/5/08 by eccsmk]
Nice feeling when the end is in sight
can i still join a trackday with a non road legal car???
i was planning on seeing if i can get some time round cadwell (as its nice and close)
cheers ne dears
You know you don't need to fit the passenger seat to go through SVA..... (good thing in my case as I wanted to fit quick release harnesses post
SVA and only wanted to buy one "normal" harness just for SVA)...
They made me "disable" the passenger harness captive nuts in the chassis to prevent someone adding a harness and seat after SVA. They were
happy with a 7/16UNF bolt chopped flush with the end of the threaded section of the captive nut. Of course I had to cut a slot in the end of the bolt
to screw it in.... and I used lots of copper slip to get it in.... and shortly afterwards I had to take the bolt out again to gain access to
something.... and shortly afterwards I fitted a second seat and QR harnesses all round
well i didnt know that
but triton might not be happy if i leave his handy work in the garage for sva
I'd be careful about removing the passenger seat for SVA, does the reg doc's say how many passengers you can carry?? You might find your
self uninsured etc if this is the case and you fit one latter.
I would get a fellow local builder or a mate, to double check all fixings bolts etc before going on a track or out prior to a SVA, you'll be
suprised what another set of eyes can see, it doesnt matter how long you look and double check things, you'll always miss something!
Better to spot it before flying round than being sorry after!
good point well made
ill get someone to check it over as soon as im ready
front shocks now on
waiting for my order of bolts so i can fir the rears
going to order a new bonnet form mk in the week then theres just the passenger seat
ooooh i cant wait