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need help ??????
woodster - 25/11/03 at 03:31 PM

im trying to find the owner of an mk indy that i think was written off at le mans in the summer of 2002 ..... i think he was from the manchester area ?????? it could be important ............ thank you

woodster - 25/11/03 at 08:52 PM

...........or failing that does anyone know anyone who sold an mk indy in the manchester area in august or sept 2002 could of been a write off ................ it could be important please help if you can ...... thank you

woodster - 25/11/03 at 11:09 PM

if anyone speaks to locodude could they ask him to contact me please ..... thanks

woodster - 29/11/03 at 04:21 PM

i would just like to thank everyone for there help ........... cheers