I spoke to Martin today and it looks like i could get my chasis before christmas. I was wondering what brake set up to use and think i will fit xr4
calipers and discsso does anyone know where the best place to buy either new or recon calipers etc?
I bought recon front calipers and all recon discs from Kit Fit. Not sure of their number but it was in a recent thread. They can probably sort u out with some XR4x4 stuff
where i stay there is a company that supply most of the small garages with car parts they are considerably cheaper than say halfords, have a scan in
you yellow pages or ask a garage where they get there parts from.
They had some brand new Sierra XR4i front calipers going for a bargain a while back. Not sure if he still has any may be worth a try?
Failing that keep your eye's out for a 4x4 - I know where there is one in Wales - Wrexham if you're stuck - though it's a good one so
don't expect it's really suitable for breaking...
Sorry if I have miss read this but does that mean that they have prices and other details for the GT1 replacement kit. As all I can see on there web
sight is a couple of pics of the development chasy
If you are going to the bother of buying a high performance kit car aimed primarily at trackdays and the like why would you want to put huge heavy
lumps of Iron on your hub - unsprung mass is one of the things that can greatly affect the ride and handling of the car.
The XR4x4 front brake setup was built a) to be cheap 2) to haul one and a half ton car to a halt. Each caliper is really heavy 5+kgs + a big vented
disk. It is overkill for a light kit car and is detrimental to the ultimate perfomrance you can achieve.
You are building a light (bike or Car engine?) sports car I would advise you to put lightwight 4 pot calipers on instead. You won't even need a
vented disk to get very good braking (most racers in the Bike engined racing series use solid disks).
The best piece of kit I have seen is the kit that Hi-Spec do for the Sierra hub. It comprises 4 pot calipers, alloy bell (gets rid of heat quickly)
and lightweight solid rotor (grooved or xdrilled). The complete it is around £500 + Vat with all brackets and bolts etc. You can go cheaper if you go
for a standard solid front disk rather than using the alloy bell. You can get this kit from the Kit Car Workshop.
I myself have Willwood calipers and the alloy bell/disk from the Hi-Spec set-up. It saved me in the order of 15kgs on the weight of the car. The
braking performance is good enough for me to lock up the wheels on 15" ACB10's on a trackday and I have never suffered any brake fade.
You might think its an expensive solution compared to the XR4 setup but its well worth it in the great scheme of things.
Just my 'tuppence worth
Your input is much appreciated and noted,cost is obviously an issue but not so much as to affect performance so i will look into the full kit for 500(is this just for the front or all round).
Its the front only
The Sierra disk set-up for the rear is OK (heavy but nowhere near that of the front!).
Willwood calipers - £500 +VAT. Primarily track days - I obviously go the wrong website - I thought this was locost? Just check
again............................. ........................... ........................ ..................... nope deffo locost website - Progers are
you on wrong website then?
If you check rally design's website you can see you can get Willwood calipers for around £100 each . Not that expensive methinks if you are
serious about taking a car on track.
MMmm, now if this site is really about locosts only why does it include things like BECs and GT1/2?? I noticed you are putting in a nice bike engine
into yours which adds a good £1000 + to build costs. Surely you could have used a nice cheap Pinto, especially if you are going to only be pootling
around on the road
The point I was making that if you are buying a relatively expensive kit which is optimised for trackdays etc (i.e. the GT2) then adding good braking
would be a good idea as it is only a relatively small proportion of the overall build cost (which will be at least £8k) and will give significant
handling/ride improvements.
If people have a strict budget to adhere to then thats great, do the best you can with what you can afford. I was in a similar position which is why I
bought an MK Indy instead of a Westfield for example. It allowed me to add a few extra bits that allowed me to optimise it towards its intended use -
as a trackday car.
By the way there are plenty of people (who aren't bursting with cash) who trackday their cars. In my opinion its the only way you can get
anywhere close to the performance limits of a BEC (and keep your licence).
From what I see on this site it caters for quite a large community of self-builders, lets keep it that way and cut the inverted snobbery. I mean that
in a nice caring way
BEC - pootling?
£8K budget?
£1K+ engine?
We've split the cost's between 3 of us to keep cost's down...
We really, really use our limited resources well and £8K is WAY above our budget!
Our use will be very limited track days - but fun on the roads - well, as much as is possible nowadays with BIG BROTHER watching every damned move you
make! Which IMHO is a more important relevant subject.
£8K budget? For a GT2 yes, its a good 2k+ more than an Indy. If you can do it for less your a hero.
£1K+ engine? Yep, additional cost for BEC over CEC, you have engine+ancilliaries, special propshaft, bespoke gear shift, engine rejet and new
foam filter, engine mounts, hire of cat to get through SVA etc all of which are extra. Easily 1K.
We've split the cost's between 3 of us to keep cost's down... Good idea
We really, really use our limited resources well and £8K is WAY above our budget! For a blade Indy I would agree. 6k is more like a sensible
budget (some do it for less others more). You'll be surprised how the bills mount up if your are honest with yourself.
Our use will be very limited track days - but fun on the roads - well, as much as is possible nowadays with BIG BROTHER watching every damned move
you make!
My point exactly, BECs on the road can be very frustrating as you can't give them the welly they need unless you want to threaten your licence.
I'm over the speed limit in second and I've another 4 gears to go..... once you've done a trackday the bug will take over!!
Seriously though, I hope you enjoy the build and the car whatever you do
Sorry i startedWell i have ordered a set of sierra calipers as i am told that they are well upto the job and the extra kilo wont matter as i could
do with losing a few myself anyway.So the way i figure it anything extra i put in i will have to work harder at the gym.
Originally posted by progers
£8K budget? For a GT2 yes......
No you aren't missing out on anything - the GT2 'tag' is just a rumour. I go to MK every weekend and the chassis for the
"GT2" is in it's final stages - Audi engine to go in soon!
The £8K is an outright GUESS - as it's still in development...
Course "I" could be wrong tho' - it's not what you know, it's....
[Edited on 30-11-03 by Hellfire]
Ok the kit price for the first few cars will be split coz the bodywork will not be ready with the chasis.The chasis is now finished and looks great(seen it yesterday).The price is still to be finalized by Martin but will be 4000 +VAT unless it changes again soon. A couple of chasis will be ready before Christmas and mine should be ready just after.The chasis will take a car engine,a bike engine mounted either way using a sierra diff and small prop or a quaffe chain driven unit.
we expect lots of pics and updates