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it moved under its own steam
eccsmk - 26/5/08 at 11:54 AM

just need somewhere to give it a run now

Mr Whippy - 26/5/08 at 11:59 AM

Extraordinary a steam powered locost

Well done you brave man

[Edited on 26/5/08 by Mr Whippy]

speedyxjs - 26/5/08 at 12:18 PM

Well done

eccsmk - 26/5/08 at 01:11 PM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
Extraordinary a steam powered locost

Well done you brave man

[Edited on 26/5/08 by Mr Whippy]

just need a larger water tank and some coal

eznfrank - 26/5/08 at 03:06 PM

Can we get a video then? I want to hear what mines gonna sound like, and more importantly how quick it is!!

eccsmk - 26/5/08 at 03:56 PM

well if you remove a plug lead from yours it sounds like that
the plugs are sooted up and i daren't take it up the road as my neighbours are a bit funny about that sort of thing

[Edited on 26/5/08 by eccsmk]

matt.c - 26/5/08 at 04:39 PM

well done.

Mine moved out of the garage (pushing it) and back in again (pushing it!) Oh well at least i got a few awkward jobs done today.

eccsmk - 26/5/08 at 04:57 PM

did you get all your bits sorted matt.c??
i know you were struggling a tad before

David Jenkins - 26/5/08 at 05:00 PM

When I first got mine moving (up the drive, 3-point turn, reversed back in) my neighbours gathered round to have a good look!

matt.c - 26/5/08 at 05:35 PM

Originally posted by eccsmk
did you get all your bits sorted matt.c??
i know you were struggling a tad before

Struggling? Dont know what you are talking about!

eccsmk - 26/5/08 at 06:35 PM