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Gearbox mount
DavidW - 7/6/08 at 09:40 PM


I have the caterham/westfield stiffer type 9 gearbox mount and am trying to fit it to my Indy Chassis.

If I make a plate to bridge the gaps between the tabs on the chassis the gearbox ends up way to high with the tail end poking through the tunnel top.

I have the same problem if I use the sierra mount.

How has anyone else fixed the gearbox to the chassis on an Indy?



mookaloid - 7/6/08 at 09:51 PM

Any chance of some pics? It doesn't sound right but it's hard to say why without seeing it.



indykid - 7/6/08 at 10:23 PM

do you have the front engine mount rubbers fitted?

my standard mount fitted fine. however, when i fitted the westfield one, i burnt out the rubber on the standard one as i didn't have any suitable plate and welded 2 nuts in. i then had to space it downwards quite significantly, maybe by 3/4" if not more to get the tail of the gearbox sitting in the right sort of place and the rocker cover level.


phoenix70 - 8/6/08 at 06:03 AM

I had to make a plate and drop it about 20mm from the standard mounting point.

ruudbeckers - 8/6/08 at 08:37 AM

I have bolted a plate to the bottom side of the chassis.

DavidW - 8/6/08 at 08:30 PM

Ok, so I've made a plate that the rubber mounts onto.

It seems the plate needs to be about 40mm below the original tabs.

If I was to mount it to the bottom of the chassis I think the gearbox would still be a bit close to the top of the chassis, especially the brake line I've run under the top rail.

I have the rubber mounts on the engine which looks to be in a sensible position.

Does dropping the mount to 40mm below the tabs sound odd to you guys?

I'd be interested to know roughly the distance from the top of the chassis to the the top of the gearbox or prop on anyone elses builds.

Thanks for you patience!

[Edited on 8/6/08 by DavidW]

[Edited on 8/6/08 by DavidW]

[Edited on 8/6/08 by DavidW]

indykid - 9/6/08 at 12:28 PM

40mm sounds a LOT!

my front prop UJ iirc sits quite close to the top tube and the plate on the gear lever sits very close to the panel on the top of the transmission tunnel. unfortunately, to be able to measure it for you would mean seats out.


DavidW - 9/6/08 at 02:09 PM


I'm assuming that you don't get much movement with the stiffer geabox mount and you haven't got any pipes running along the top?