Morning all
Trial fitted my Mac1 screen yesterday (the upright smoke type not what everyone else calls an aeroscreen)
From the posts I read it seems to fit an Indy scuttle like a glove but mie seems too long as the bottom curve of the screen runs on when the scuttle
ben down making it look weird.
This also means that the two bens on the screen at each end at hanging around in thin air rather than hugging the scuttle.
Anyone else found this? and if so how did you get around it. All the photos I've found don't sem to have this problem unless the screen has
been modded somehow.
Thanks for any assistance.
I fitted one to my Stuart Taylor (rather narrow car). I cut a little bit of the bottom to add curvature and also curved it when bolting it. The result
was good, see pics here:
If I had to do it again, I'd probably try to avoid any cutting because the screen seemed flexible enough that it can be shaped to the scuttle
with the attaching bolts.
thanks for the useful photos, that gives me a good idea of what I should be aiming for.
Nice looking car and it looks like you have the weather to use it too!
Thanks Nigel
Looking at the pics it becomes more evident that no cutting could be a better solution: the top of my screen looks a little too straight, some extra
curvature would have made it look better in my opinion.
Btw I sold the car a while ago and I now have a Fury
Best luck with your build.
I used to have one of the Mac#1 screens on my Stuart Taylor and it was as you have found: the bent bits are a bit out from the edges of the scuttle.
Alez's solution of cutting the bottom edge to get a closer fit looks good.
P.S. now got an aeroscreen
Simon, when you fitted the aeroscreen, what did you do with all the holes you had drilled to fit the screen? did you just leave them unused, cover them, use them for the new one?
Originally posted by Alez
Simon, when you fitted the aeroscreen, what did you do with all the holes you had drilled to fit the screen? did you just leave them unused, cover them, use them for the new one?
Cool, thanks