Well the Indy was taken off the road about 6weeks ago due to engine mount snapped and cluth relase bearing. After struggling to source both parts i
set to putting the car back together. Engine now sits fine, but still a whining noise, another new clutch bearing, and again still a whining noise. So
took the gearbox apart last nite to look at it and there were bits of metal floating around in there. The bearings were falling apart and the
synchro's have lost all their newness.
Got a gearbox being delivered today by a mate, so fingers crossed i should be back out for the weekend.
Cue the rain
Originally posted by Mr Whippy
It's a CEC. All CEC's whine. Seriously though, get a bike engine dropped in. Bike gearboxes are much stronger.
"All CEC's whine."
No No No ..................... All CEC owners whine
That as well..
Originally posted by Hellfire
It's a CEC. All CEC's whine.