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engine running
tootall - 9/7/08 at 12:32 AM

hey every one couldnt resist it could i !
got my fuel tank and exhaust from mk on sunday
so quckly piped it up and dribbled some fuel in to the tank wrapped a few wires together and got the engine running (gsxr 1000 k4) it was running on 2 cylinders at first but had plug leads wrong way round (dow)
swaped them round and she runs smothe as a smothe thing lol
baring it been very very loud so had to shut it off as it was 11 pm and there is a house close to my workshop and they love complaining about eany thing they can!!
ill post a youtube vid of it tomoro if i can

eccsmk - 9/7/08 at 07:17 AM

well done