Am I just going mad, or did I see the MK web page last week saying the new car was to be called the "Banshee"?
Now I've been back to the site and it says 'as yet unnamed'. Even if I press F5!
Either I'm going potty, or maybe they've decided on a name already?
Nope I saw it too.....
First thought was "jeez, what a shite name"......IMO of course..
it does seem to be called the banshee.
and yes. terrible name.
I have to say I didn't think it was too bad.
If the car 'wails' or 'flies' like I believe a Banshee did, then that is good, errm I think.
I wonder if they'll keep it with your, erm, constructive, comments?
they're not constructive at all.
but IMO, it's a sort of trashy name, at least GT1 and indy sound good
I'm sure it won't affect a thing if two of us aren't too keen on the name.....certainly wouldn't put me off..
It's hard for me not to keep associating the name with the Yamaha? Banshee quad bike...that did seem wailing, screaming and evil and
It just doesn't suit a sports car...again just IMO...
You're right, GT1 does sound better.
But then I would say that, I have one!
Totally unbiased, of course.
3 of us actually
the name is pants,and is more to do with the web master of that site.
Although i must admit its hard to put a name on it before you see it finished,GT2 still sounds good to me.
Having ordered one i think i will just call it whatever i want to
Originally posted by bob
GT2 still sounds good to me.
Of course GT2 is a Porsche trademark, so that was a non-starter.
Many names were suggested, but all the ones that were possibles turned out to be copyright.
If I recall there was a Competition, and the name was chosen from a list of non kit car copyrighted names, if you have a better suggestion (which is a
positive thing) then let MK know, but don't forget that Patent and copyright search!
It's SO easy to criticise chaps!
how bout gibbs super racer could be shortened to gibbs sr?
I can understand not being able to call a car produced by MK a porsche,i'm not so sure about GT2 though.
Didnt porsche have a GT1 as well
Bob, the way I read it I thought it referred to the vehicle as a 'screaming Banshee',not necessarily as such in name!
More as a description than a name.
Still I'm probably wrong, and yes Bob you probably are mad,I'm sure Mrs Bob will back me up!
Well why dont we just change the name to a symbol and call it the kit car formerley known as gt1
I have a Mazda6 (crap name - ah hem crap car!) but what difference does it make - it's all down to individual taste.
Before anyone ask's why is 6 crap - how does 2 drive shafts, gear linkage and now rear bearings go, and it's not 12 months old yet...
Originally posted by chrisg.........It's SO easy to criticise chaps!......
GT and any number up to an including 99 are copyright protected until 2016, by Porsche, and yes there was a Porsche GT1.
The main reason there won't be a GT2 is not to tempt fate (or lawyers)
Ford are in a battle at the moment to protect "GT" as a "trade mark phrase of the Ford Motor Company" presumably because of the
new GT40.
You can call a car what you like but it all costs money when the copyright owners force you to stop. Brouchres, advertising,website - all scrap.
Try it on a simple web search.
Find a name you like and try a search
******* car or ******* kit car
Cars have been around over a hundred years ALL "real word" names have been used. Find a name that conveys speed or power that
It is not easy.
Additionally you can't please all the people all of the time - whichever name you pick someone won't like it.
i'd call it something like 'I Cant Believe Its Not A GT2'.
that would go down well in the motoring press.
As i said before it would help if people knew what it actually looked like,for instance if it is in le mans style then a simple MK LM would do.
I realise it is difficult and keeping this thread at the top is important,it keeps the appetite going.
[Edited on 17/12/03 by bob]
No body exists for the car, which makes it a tad difficult to photograph!
All we know that it is a Le Mans type or style body.
LM is no good because an established business uses the initials KLM as it's english trademark (the Dutch airline)
Various other initials were tried
It's not as easy as it looks is it?
You dont have to be a genius,but it obviously helps if your a southerner
Happy christmas
What about MK LMR ?
As in Le-Mans-Racer
Or even MK RLM
As in Racing-Le-Mans
"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."
-William Shakespeare
You are SO open university.
Originally posted by ned
"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."
-William Shakespeare
To save time and to save getting sacked, would you like to tell us what mist is?!
My guess is that it must be a minge/tw@, etc.
Matches the type of person who buys RR's!
google says mist in german = muck
I seem to recall that it's slangy for sh1t.
das mist = manure. Strange lot the Germans. Would the silver mist go well with a golden shower, another german phrase.
yours, Pete.
No MK misty doesnt work for me either
SPD mystery does though
are we still on the new name new car hunt? or is it just me and my cuddly friend ChristopherG
Bob, it's settled, and you're on your own 'cos I'm going away for Christmas.
Please your bloody self
Santa's little helper
Settled ? bah humbug
Have a nice time and happy christmas.
Eat and drink as much as you like,i doubt it will make a difference
Originally posted by kingr
I seem to recall that it's slangy for sh1t.
Originally posted by bob
Settled ? bah humbug
Have a nice time and happy christmas.
Eat and drink as much as you like,i doubt it will make a difference![]()
If were trying german - how about the...
MK Giel (maybe spelt wrong!)
Anyone who has watched some of the more - er cultural videos from the fatherland will have heard this word enoguh...
LM isn't an option with Coram already having one...
[Edited on 17/12/03 by Metal Hippy]
I don't!
But then I like the name Banshee so what would I know!
i'd like to know
I dont know the full story on the coram,i got snippets from and sites of that type.
I do know somebody has taken on the project, if you search through the mid engine section there should be info there.
Vauxhall had it's GSI and Volkswagen had their GTI , so i would have thought that if changing 1 letter was enough for them, It would have been ok
for M.K.
Doesn't it say on Shuggie Pattersons description that he's building a Coram?. I think I saw it on there.
yours, Pete.
i think theres a few guys on here, shug is one of them that are in on the project on various sides/aspects eg chassis/bodywork/machining etc. maybe
one of them will red this thread soon and explain all!
Originally posted by Deckman001
Vauxhall had it's GSI and Volkswagen had their GTI , so i would have thought that if changing 1 letter was enough for them, It would have been ok for M.K.![]()
and the current owners of the triumph marque (ford or bmw?)didn't mind when seat used the name toledo!
Originally posted by ned
and the current owners of the triumph marque (ford or bmw?)didn't mind when seat used the name toledo!
I heard some years ago that Citroen were the only car Co. allowed to have a name on the back of a car with an X in it, not including the suffixes such as XR3I etc, maybe it was nutsack but at the time i couldnt think of another car that had an X in its model name....can you? They are carrying the theme forward still with the Xantia and Xara, what about BMW X5?
i suspect stuff like GTi GSi GTE etc cannot be registered as trademarks because they are in common use by everyone. Stuff has to be new i think.
Confusing to have copyright, patents and trademarks though innit?
So now we've gone full circle........ why not GT2 as Bob suggested earlier in this thread
It shouldn't be feasible to copyright a place name like Toledo, Capri or Cortina because you can't lay claim to it as it's already in
common usage and the country it's in should have the rights to it. I'm calling it the Mistral because I like aliteration. Didn't Dutton
have a Sierra before Ford by the way.
yours, Pete.
What about calling it ....
SuperFanDabbyDoozyCoolFastCarWhichICantAffordButMayPinchSomeOfTheDesignIdeasFromIfIEverFinishMyCurrentCar ????
Very catchy....I like it.....
Sure it's not already taken though?
Damn, you could be right, i never checked.. What about if i add a "MKGT2" to the start of the name so it becomes....
Now anyone know any good signwriters? I think MK might have a run on 4pt font
Dutton did have a Sierra before Ford and gained lots of publicity during the legal proceedings when Ford tried to stop them using the name. I don't remember the specific outcome but I am sur ethey both continued to use the name.
It's in the dim and past now, but IIRC the judge sort of said to Tim Dutton, You call yours the Dutton Sierra, and to Henry, you call yours the
Ford Sierra.
I don't think Dutton had registered the name, which was the problem. That and, I should imagine, Ford's "we're bigger than
you" attitude.
PS If Ford or TD care to comment, I stand to be corrected!!